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Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th

Are you over Gaga?


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It is clear to me that her greatest days as an entertainer are far behind her, she has peaked creatively. 

I'm still curious what she comes up with though, I just don't expect it to live up to her previous work :shrug: 

except she actually just getting started.....:kissga:

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I dont understand why I am still so fascinated with her tbh. 

So many broken promises.


I just want her to be on top again one more time I guess before the tits smack the floor

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Not over her, but there are far more interesting artists out there at this point. However, I am definitely over the mentality of being a Gaga fan, over the bias and the culture of viewing her as a supreme (within this fan base) when in reality her music is not even exceptionally great or unique.

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Of course not! I still lurk on here or listen to her music, visit Gaga Thoughts on my spare time. Even when I didn't follow C2C era too closely. I listen to other artists or bands here and there but they just haven't impacted my life like Gaga did. She has a special place in my heart. So of course always I'm curious to see what's she's up to next.

Love Trumps Hate
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Hell nah. My fangirl level dropped a little, but it's picking up speed again. She's too wonderful to ever truly be "over" with.

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How ****in dare you

Please correct me if I make any grammar mistakes, I want to master English as much as possible.
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I pretty much am. She's lost my interest and I feel like her next album will be so different from the music that made me attracted to her as an artist. 

I'll still always love ha as a person. How bout you? :-)

Says the Lana del Rey fan :fail: :lmao:the most boring artist ever.

Hell NO! Gaga is another level. I won be over with her never. She is fascinating. :legend:

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She's been too important to me for me to just forget about her. I'll still support her even if the next era isn't my cup of tea.

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