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Nicki Minaj vs. Taylor Swift drama, Katy Perry joins

Crescent Bloom

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This is not the hill Nicki wants to die on. Nicki's point is factual but not relevant to the conversation at hand. Anaconda wasn't nominated because it wasn't deserving of the nomination, not because of race. Her point is correct, but she's bringing it up at the wrong time. Serving Iggy vs. Banks teas. Nicki only brought up race when Taylor replied to the CLEAR SHADE NICKI WAS THROWING. I'm sorry but at least Taylor had the courage to @ her. I love them both but Nicki's being messy. 

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Nicki Minaj is just being ridiculous.

I am sorry, and I dont give a **** about Taylor (or Nicki) but Minaj started this. And she ****ted her pants and tried to make it look as something racial when taylor (who has x10 times more power than her) responded. And now you talk about racism? Wth is this?

Your video is ****ty and messy. Deal with it. 

If the only way you have to justify how unffair is that you didn't get a nom is that a girl got a shower curtain with your ass on it...

The woman who made a video about black women reduced to a big ass moving and dancing to Drake's dick... talking about racism and discrimination of women... bye. :toofunny: 




Are you stupid? The point of the video was to prove how crazy the double racial standard is. How white women in thongs have reclaimed their s-xuality in pop music/culture the past decades. When she released the single cover for Anaconda she made it very clear it was done on purpose. She showed the world how mainstream media censored the single cover just because it was her, a black woman with a big ass. They however, don't censor skinny white women in that very same thong. Instead, they celebrate that as "empowering". When a white woman takes off her clothes in her imagery, like Gaga did many times, it is seen as empowering and emancipating. That woman is celebrating her s-xuality on her own terms, indeed, good for her. But when Nicki does it, because she is black, a rapper and considered "ratchet", all of a sudden she is "sh*tty and messy" according to you. Check yourself.Anaconda is fun, catchy, slutty but it's cultural impact is much deeper and Nicki herself has said all of this yet few of you seem to know that.


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Me RN at some of these replies flat out insulting Nicki: 



The hate is so disproportionate to the crime :smh:

私自身もこの世の中も誰もかれもが, どんなに華やかな人生でも, どんなに悲惨な人生でも, いつかは変貌し, 破壊され、消滅してしまう. すべてがもともとこの世に存在しない一瞬の幻想なのだから
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Rat Boy


Tidal got dragged because they made a video and press conference that portrayed them as war veterans or doctors that had a cure for cancer.

"I am a Walmart version of Rat Boy!” - River
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All of you people saying that Nicki needs to hush and be quiet, you are literally being BRAINWASHED by white media. Because a black woman, has an opinion that is hard to swallow, everyone wants to shut her down. This is literally what white media wants you to do. Tell the black women to shut up so you can all sleep easier living in a society where black people will always  only ever be looked upon as not worthy.

Mariah - Ariana - Rihanna
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 The woman who says "fuc.k skinny b---hes" talking about defending bodies and women.

Right now, the Beyonce-Nicki body type with a large ass is very popular. The Anaconda video made a lot of women want to have a larger behind, and more men lust after the curvy body type. Taylor likely feels insecure about being so skinny.

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She is bitter and petty. She's dragging a legitimate movement and referring to the treatment of black people in the media into a conversation about not getting a couple VMA nominations. It's a total disservice to the #BlackLivesMatter movement.

Barbie elitist - Weaboo - Sissy
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Are you stupid? The point of the video was to prove how crazy the double racial standard is. How white women in thongs have reclaimed their s-xuality in pop music/culture the past decades. When she released the single cover for Anaconda she made it very clear it was done on purpose. She showed the world how mainstream media censored the single cover just because it was her, a black woman with a big ass. They however, don't censor skinny white women in that very same thong. Instead, they celebrate that as "empowering". When a white woman takes off her clothes in her imagery, like Gaga did many times, it is seen as empowering and emancipating. That woman is celebrating her s-xuality on her own terms, indeed, good for her. But when Nicki does it, because she is black, a rapper and considered "ratchet", all of a sudden she is "sh*tty and messy" according to you. Check yourself.Anaconda is fun, catchy, slutty but it's cultural impact is much deeper and Nicki herself has said all of this yet few of you seem to know that.


I agree with most of this, though Idk how intentional it was... (the single cover aside, i just mean the video itself.) 

But I think Nicki is using this super relevant fact to get out of the fact that she was talking about Taylor, which is super unfortunate :smh: 

私自身もこの世の中も誰もかれもが, どんなに華やかな人生でも, どんなに悲惨な人生でも, いつかは変貌し, 破壊され、消滅してしまう. すべてがもともとこの世に存在しない一瞬の幻想なのだから
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I thought about that.

I wonder if Meghan is disappointed? Is she throwing a temper tantrum on Twitter? 

Meghan is actually grateful for the success she has :reductive2: I think :reductive2:

MEGHAN TRAINOR | Katy Perry | Taylor Swift | Lady Gaga | Rihanna | Ariana Grande | Beyoncé | Nicki Minaj | Sam Smith
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All of you people saying that Nicki needs to hush and be quiet, you are literally being BRAINWASHED by white media. Because a black woman, has an opinion that is hard to swallow, everyone wants to shut her down. This is literally white media wants you to do. Tell the black women to shut up so you can all sleep easier living in a society where black people will always  only ever be looked upon as not worthy.

to be honest, it would be Gaga or Katy or Miley or Taylor or Ariana whining and i would still be like "she shouldn't whine about not getting a VMA nom" :rip: 

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Mister Gaga

Tidal got dragged because they made a video and press conference that portrayed them as war veterans or doctors that had a cure for cancer.

I don't deny it. I've never supported Tidal. Just posting Nicki's thoughts :yes:

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Are you stupid? The point of the video was to prove how crazy the double racial standard is. How white women in thongs have reclaimed their s-xuality in pop music/culture the past decades. When she released the single cover for Anaconda she made it very clear it was done on purpose. She showed the world how mainstream media censored the single cover just because it was her, a black woman with a big ass. They however, don't censor skinny white women in that very same thong. Instead, they celebrate that as "empowering". When a white woman takes off her clothes in her imagery, like Gaga did many times, it is seen as empowering and emancipating. That woman is celebrating her s-xuality on her own terms, indeed, good for her. But when Nicki does it, because she is black, a rapper and considered "ratchet", all of a sudden she is "sh*tty and messy" according to you. Check yourself.Anaconda is fun, catchy, slutty but it's cultural impact is much deeper and Nicki herself has said all of this yet few of you seem to know that.



Mariah - Ariana - Rihanna
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Once again, it's NOT most impactful video, it's BEST video.

Are you kidding me? Who decides that? The MTV Jury of Professional Video Watchers? It's not the Academy Awards, it's the VMA's. Miley won last year and everyone knew she would. Why? Cause it had the most impact, broke records and made the entire Western world talk. It was Terry Richardson's video debut and the set was literally her and a ball with very simple cinematography. I love Miley and the video but how exactly does THAT qualify as the "best" video? It was best video because she released that very simple yet powerful video at the exact right time and pushed everyone's buttons just like Nicki did with Anaconda.

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All of you people saying that Nicki needs to hush and be quiet, you are literally being BRAINWASHED by white media. Because a black woman, has an opinion that is hard to swallow, everyone wants to shut her down. This is literally white media wants you to do. Tell the black women to shut up so you can all sleep easier living in a society where black people will always  only ever be looked upon as not worthy.

There is no unified "white media." Liberal and conservative media is VERY different on race. Many on the left will bend over backwards to side with the black in any mess like this, which perhaps is why Nicki is dragging race into it.

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Morphine Prince

All of you people saying that Nicki needs to hush and be quiet, you are literally being BRAINWASHED by white media. Because a black woman, has an opinion that is hard to swallow, everyone wants to shut her down. This is literally white media wants you to do. Tell the black women to shut up so you can all sleep easier living in a society where black people will always  only ever be looked upon as not worthy.

Actually, I think Nicki needs to stfu because her dumb ass video isn't even good enough to be this mad over. She DID take a jab at Taylor and Taylor responded with class and this STUPID HOE keeps bringing up **** that's irrelevant. 

Oh, the white media totally doesn't want blacks to win awards 



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