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Flawfree Fan Mashup

Duella Dvil

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Duella Dvil


7 Minutes of slain. Listener beware you may pass out.

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This is AP, but let me look for it..

Stream my new single, 💜"Heartbeat"💜, on Spotify!
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Duella Dvil

If you have to search why look??:confused:

New to me most likely new to others?

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Flawfree and "fan made" are terms that usually contradict themselves. :awkney:

Lemme give this a listen.

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Duella Dvil

Flawfree and "fan made" are terms that usually contradict themselves. :awkney:

Lemme give this a listen.

​Anxiously awaiting your agreement.

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​Anxiously awaiting your agreement.

​I'm 4 minutes in, it's ok. A bit rough around the edges, but enjoyable.

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7 Minutes of slain. Listener beware you may pass out.

This is AP, but let me look for it..

If you have to search why look??:confused:

New to me most likely new to others?

Flawfree and "fan made" are terms that usually contradict themselves. 

Lemme give this a listen.

Hmmm i've already seen this somewhere 

amazing :legend:I listen this all the time 

​Because It was made by me. This mix is stolen 300 times :awkney:


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​Because It was made by me. This mix is stolen 300 times :awkney:


I knew it but people don't believe me :laughga:


Stream my new single, 💜"Heartbeat"💜, on Spotify!
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​Because It was made by me. This mix is stolen 300 times :awkney:


​I know that :love: 

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