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Rob Fusari wants re-trial of Starland lawsuit, blames Gaga's fame for biasing jury


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I didn't see him calling you any names. He said that you are wrong? That you're repeating yourself? I don't see an insult. :huh: 

​He said, "That was clear a long time ago" when I said I don't know what else to say. I think that is pretty insulting. I don't understand why you have to run to his defense. Its not your business. Im frustrated enough as it is with this whole conversation and your comment really isn't helping.

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​He said, "That was clear a long time ago" when I said I don't know what else to say. I think that is pretty insulting. I don't understand why you have to run to his defense. Its not your business. Im frustrated enough as it is with this whole conversation and your comment really isn't helping.

Well sorry but I didn't really see it as an insult. Calling people names who have different opinion than you isn't really helping either. I just said there is no need for it. And obviously it's frustrating for all sides.

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​I don't agree that they are interchangable. 

I view rape as a physcal assault meant to injure the victim, many women who  survive to live after such an attack are scarred for life.  Many are killed.

Sexual abuse is phsycological and twisting events to benefit one party at the expense of the other.  Its not limited to a man abusing a woman, but generally it pans out that way.  Abuse is the part where and individual is pressured, or otherwise  convinced that they must have s-x with another party becasue *insert reason* against their own best judgement or interest. 

Sexual assault is the attempt *sucessful or not* to engage in a s-xual act against their will.


Considering the information on the interenet regarding this circumstance,

I looks to me as if Gaga felt it necessary to have s-x with ***** to further her ambitions in the Music Industry...

While not Rape or Assault this would fall under 's-xual abuse' ... or 'harrasment' 

The problem is that the producers hold all the cards at first until the artist gets enough recognition an financial success on their own without the producers involvement.

​I've already clarified my comment and...

"I looks to me as if Gaga felt it necessary to have s-x with ***** to further her ambitions in the Music Industry..."

This isn't even worthy of a response. Go away.

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​Its a continuation because they are discussing the same topic yes. But, everything she says when she was speaking more generally cannot automatically be applied to the more specific circumstance she discussed later on.

This might be a bad example but its what i came up with:

Lets say you are having a conversation about adventures you had with multiple friends during a vacation. You can’t say who those friends are but you say that their identities can be inferred. Then the topic gets brought up again, this time about a specific activity, lets say rock climbing with one of those friends. The identities of the friends on the trip who went on adventures with you can be inferred but not necessarily the one who went rock climbing with you. You were not specifically talking about rock climbing when you said that the identities are obvious. What you said about the identities of your friends from before can’t just be applied to more specific activities you discuss later on. It doesn’t make sense.

" In the beginning of the interview she could have been referring to the one situation but didn't want to get specific. "

She may have been but we don't know that. She could just as easily been referring to all the abuse besides rape since (technically) less traumatic forms of s-xual abuse were what they were initially discussing.

The only reason I am even discussing the quote in question is because if that quote is interpreted the way you think it should be then yea it makes it pretty damn obvious it is him with all the other evidence/clues that Gaga gives. But, if you interpret it the way I am, it makes who it is a lot more ambiguous. As far as we know Rob is the only one that fits but we dont know of everyone she worked with.

​We'll just have to agree to disagree.

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Well sorry but I didn't really see it as an insult. Calling people names who have different opinion than you isn't really helping either. I just said there is no need for it. And obviously it's frustrating for all sides.

​Well I did see it as an insult and it doesn't matter if you see it that way or not because those words were not directed at you. I did not call him a jerk for having a different opinion than me. I said that because of his sassy/rude remark to me.

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​I've already clarified my comment and...

"I looks to me as if Gaga felt it necessary to have s-x with ***** to further her ambitions in the Music Industry..."

This isn't even worthy of a response. Go away.

​Then don't ...


I wil post my opion ... like it or not..

like a cat in a sil, I observe life, moving and still. My words give a clue,look inside to see whats true
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​Then don't ...


I wil post my opion ... like it or not..

​Like your opinion? Your opinion is factually ****ty and offensive.

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​Well I did see it as an insult and it doesn't matter if you see it that way or not because those words were not directed at you. I did not call him a jerk for having a different opinion than me. I said that because of his sassy/rude remark to me.

​I'm a girl. And I admitted I was being disrespectful. Did you?

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​Like your opinion? Your opinion is factually ****ty and offensive.

​Given the information and interviews. 

I there is no evidence of 'Rape' or 'Assault' or even circumstancial infomation.

Abuse,  thats how I would clarify events. 

Plus, if your offended by my opinion,  tough, rebut what I say , but I could care less about how you 'feel'

like a cat in a sil, I observe life, moving and still. My words give a clue,look inside to see whats true
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​Given the information and interviews. 

I there is no evidence of 'Rape' or 'Assault' or even circumstancial infomation.

Abuse,  thats how I would clarify events. 

Plus, if your offended by my opinion,  tough, rebut what I say , but I could care less about how you 'feel'

​This is what I think it was as well. It was like "the casting couch." Its taking advantage of someone because of an imbalance of power. But I don't think it was illegal. Thats just my impression though, I could be wrong.

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​This is what I think it was as well. It was like "the casting couch." Its taking advantage of someone because of an imbalance of power. But I don't think it was illegal. Thats just my impression though, I could be wrong.

​I think you put it better than I do. 

Gaga has never said she and Fusari were 'dating' or had a 'relationship' .. he court defence against his lawsuit for monitary compensation that she signed under 'duress'


like a cat in a sil, I observe life, moving and still. My words give a clue,look inside to see whats true
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​Given the information and interviews. 

I there is no evidence of 'Rape' or 'Assault' or even circumstancial infomation.

Abuse,  thats how I would clarify events. 

Plus, if your offended by my opinion,  tough, rebut what I say , but I could care less about how you 'feel'

​I think it's clear that you have a disregard for anyone's feelings and also for the facts. Seek some guidance. Maybe take a women's study course and talk to some survivors. You're incredible wrong for your comment.

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​I think it's clear that you have a disregard for anyone's feelings and also for the facts. Seek some guidance. Maybe take a women's study course and talk to some survivors. You're incredible wrong for your comment.

​Just yours, and your welcome to disagree with my opion, but I take no advise from you regarding infomation or my interpretation there of.

like a cat in a sil, I observe life, moving and still. My words give a clue,look inside to see whats true
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​This is what I think it was as well. It was like "the casting couch." Its taking advantage of someone because of an imbalance of power. But I don't think it was illegal. Thats just my impression though, I could be wrong.

​​lmao. Hey @Crucify you getting all of this? Do you still not see why it's important to discuss and clarify what Gaga said?

Both Shane and Woolfsmck are the ones who are a--lyzing and digging, not me. She very clearly said she was confused and thought that it was what she was supposed to do. But some keep painting her as a casting couch girl, trying to advance her career, and defend the man she called out in every way that she could.

I'm done with all of you. I'm so disgusted by so many people in this discussion.



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​Just yours, and your welcome to disagree with my opion, but I take no advise from you regarding infomation or my interpretation there of.

​Please enlighten me on your interpretation. Why are you claiming that she willingly slept with this producer to advance her career and simply regrets it now? What information made you come to this conclusion. Surely it wasn't when she said that

- she didn't understand what had happened until years later

- that she felt sick and paralyzed with fear when she saw him

- or that she thought it was what she was supposed to do as an adult.

- that she very clearly discusses it as a rape.

If you and Shane think that taking advantage of someone emotionally and physically with your power isn't rape, then you're dead wrong. Actually, don't even bother replying. I'm so disgusted.

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