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Jessica Lange about Gaga's entry to AHS: "I don’t understand the question"


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She was avoiding the answer because, at the time of this interview, they haven't yet announced Jessicas departure from the show yet.

But the stans will take this as "shade" because they love drama. 

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this isn't shade at all. you are reaching so hard. delete this ****ty thread. this is the dumbest thing i've ever read.  the question is poorly worded first of all, and either way i'm sure she wouldn't publicly shade the main star of the series after they annoucned it in front of the entire cast and the fans. 

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Some questions and moments that ensued were so awk..
Like that twink that was all "Little Monsters, paws up"..... So embarrassing :awkney:

who will love me when the night is over
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Blue Jeans

Some questions and moments that ensued were so awk..
Like that twink that was all "Little Monsters, paws up"..... So embarrassing default_awkney2.gif

​I cringed so hard.. like :fail:

and to think that next years panel will be full of monsters like this :awkney: 

Destiny is for losers. It’s just a stupid excuse to wait for things to happen instead of making them happen
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delete it skinny

I love judas SO MUCH but I canʹt look like a copycat of JLO!!!!
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i was there, it wasn't shade, she just could not answer the question and she felt awkward because the others kept shouting things at her lol.


I can't be free if my hands are tied... 🧟‍♀️👰🏻
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No shade.

They were answering questions from Twitter, and they came by a question by (@enigma pop star) (an obvious gaga fan) & he asked "Jessica, did gaga convince you to stay..", first of all what kind of Q. Is this? So The audience were giggling & her fellow cast were screaming "FIRE! FIRE!!..." (They were doing this when ever she gets a question), so she said I don't understand the question (well I didn't either), & they passed.

ps not to mention she was drunk

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I love AHS but this interview is so awkard... I find them even disrespectful at some point. 


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​I cringed so hard.. like :fail:

and to think that next years panel will be full of monsters like this http://gagadaily.com/uploads/default_awkney2.gif 

​Matt Bomer was so confused :rip:

nnn I hope not. Thank God she didn't go this year or they all would have asked her questions about LG5 :dead:

who will love me when the night is over
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Jimmy Darling

No shade.

They were answering questions from Twitter, and they came by a question by (@enigma pop star) (an obvious gaga fan) & he asked "Jessica, did gaga convince you to stay..", first of all what kind of Q. Is this? So The audience were giggling & her fellow cast were screaming "FIRE! FIRE!!..." (They were doing this when ever she gets a question), so she said I don't understand the question (well I didn't either), & they passed.

ps not to mention she was drunk

​Well obviously you didn't understand the question because you messed up the question. The actual question was, "Jessica, does Gaga convince you to stay for another season?" 

Go to 14:26 


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​Well obviously you didn't understand the question because you messed up the question. The actual question was, "Jessica, does Gaga convince you to stay for another season?" 

Go to 14:26 


...I didn't remember the exact question so I didn't quote it word by word, but how did my rephrase made any difference?? :flop: 

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