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Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th

Azealia Banks: "I hate fat white Americans"


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She needs to stop being so general with how she speaks and people would take her her more seriously - well except for closet racists like craig who are also too invested in stan culture to be objective about anything like this.

She really didn't need to throw that comment in, I honestly don't think she thinks about anything she says. She has absolutely zero filter, but underneath everything there is actually some sense.

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"Cry for me because I'm a victim of racism"

"I hate (fat) white people"

"I hate American. It's so racist."

Jesus Christ, someone put a piece of duct tape over this girl's mouth and let's call it a day already!

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Lol, I'm not surprised you took just a snippet of a full quote out of context as the title. She said she hated the embodiment of racist conservatives. Is she wrong for that?

You can't put an entire paragraph in the thread title.

"Yes! I hate everything about this country. Like, I hate fat white Americans. All the people who are crunched into the middle of America, the real fat and meat of America, are these racist conservative white people who live on their farms. Those little teenage girls who work at Kmart and have a racist grandma—that’s really America."

AB hates everything about the US. 

She's wrong for stereotyping people and for being a bigot and racist- which are the same things she is complaining about. She has bigoted ideas and uses hate speech on a regular basis, so...yes, she is wrong on many fronts.

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"Do you want to leave the U.S.?
Yes! I hate everything about this country. Like, I hate fat white Americans. All the people who are crunched into the middle of America, the real fat and meat of America, are these racist conservative white people who live on their farms. Those little teenage girls who work at Kmart and have a racist grandma—that’s really America."




I don't remember the last time I heard someone saying this about an entire and relevant country:creepflop:

My Favs = Lady Gaga, Janet Jackson, Ricky Martin, AKB48
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This ignorant girl is a perfect example of "you will reap what you sow".


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​And white americans obesity is over indulgence


thought I was born in a league of my own | but I'm sinking
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She needs to stop being so general with how she speaks and people would take her her more seriously - well except for closet racists like craig who are also too invested in stan culture to be objective about anything like this.

She really didn't need to throw that comment in, I honestly don't think she thinks about anything she says. She has absolutely zero filter, but underneath everything there is actually some sense.

What she's saying is rooted in real problems that ignorant people basically keep trying to tell black Americans to just "get over." There are still socioeconomic differences between races that are rooted in racial issues that our country has known for hundreds of years. 

From Europeans enslaving the Native Americans, forcing them from their homes, and kidnapping their children, to slavery, to racist lynchings that were happening in the early 1900s, to segregation which didn't end until 1964, there are a lot of things black Americans have every right to be upset about. Their history is not respected- they get Black History month because if we didn't set aside a month for it we'd probably never learn about their contributions to our society and black children would see even fewer black role models in their academic studies.

When a person is forced to grow up in a society where THEY see unfairness but are told to stop complaining, you're going to end up with a defensive mentality that comes off as being offensive. 

​Azealia isn't being offensive. She's being overly defensive. Her saying "You're not invited to the conversation. This is not about you." is her defending her beliefs and desires for her race because in her experiences, white culture has excluded her (and black people) from the conversation about race.

People think that ending slavery, lynchings, and segregation means creating an equal environment. It doesn't. It takes many, many years to change social attitudes and create a society with equal opportunities. We are not there yet. And the more people keep trying to say "blacks are the source of their own problems," no matter how openly racist or subtle they are about it, the longer it's going to take. 

That being said, Azealia words her opinions in a way that comes off as an embarrassment. I'm not asking for her to be a "shoe-shining coon," or "non-threatening black person," - she can come at this **** with full force and anger all she wants, but if she wants to be taken seriously she needs to act like more of a grown woman about it than an angry teen. I take her message and her thoughts very seriously- I don't agree with the way she goes about expressing them. 

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Example of Azealia's description though: 



I'm not surprised this hasn't been quoted while people are giving Azealia total ****

thought I was born in a league of my own | but I'm sinking
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I'm not surprised this hasn't been quoted while people are giving Azealia total ****

Two wrongs don't make a right. This guy is a bigot, Azealia is a bigot. Neither are in the right.

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Ignorant and hypocritical thing to say. Idk man she needs to start watching what the **** she says. She can be the same opinionated person but pay attention to how you ****ing say something at least. 

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Two wrongs don't make a right. This guy is a bigot, Azealia is a bigot. Neither are in the right.

​And ignoring one side and not the other don't contribute to an educated discussion.  I agree that Azealia sounded childish and angry at something that we might or might not know. However all I see is how people criticize her for her blatant opinions which arguably was her intentional strategy to get people talking about her/taking notice of her.  I don't see anybody saying anything about the man who ACTUALLY went on the streets and made racist comments to ACTUAL people in a public place, which is what Azealia was criticizing. You can disagree with words, but when you condemn, please condemn actions.

thought I was born in a league of my own | but I'm sinking
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Example of Azealia's description though: 



​See THIS is why people like Azealia are pissed off and say **** like she did in the interview. FFS, her grandmother was alive when segregation ended. She has a living connection to these issues and she still sees their effect today. 

The man in this video openly expressed it, but there is subtle racism all over.

I remember when I was a freshman in high school I went rollerskating with two friends- one white, the other black. We went up to the concession stand to get pizza. Me and the other white girl got pieces from one side, then when it was time for our (black) friend's slice the girl working the stand turned the pizza and pulled the slice with the least pepperoni for our friend. I didn't notice it at first, but then the girl pointed it out after we sat down and she said that kind of stuff happens often to her.

I also have a biracial friend who's stated the way his family is treated changes whether he's out with his black family or his white family. It's little **** like that. Subtle "shade," if you will.

My stepmom also worked at a clothing store in a mall (Gymboree) and she literally told me that when black people come into the store she keeps an extra eye on them because she believes they're more likely to steal things. You think black people don't notice being watched by store clerks and being treated like thieves on the basis of their skin?

My step-grandparents reject the idea that one of their grandchildren is biracial. Literally, for YEARS when he was born they insisted he "tanned well." Why? Because they don't believe in whites and blacks being together. Their daughter kept her relationship with the guy a secret so they wouldn't reject her, ended up pregnant, and they gave her **** for having a biracial child. 

Whenever my great-grandmother tells a story about a social interaction she's sure to include the race of the person (seems to be a thing with that generation, tbh...) "a black man at the store today," "an indian woman in line today," etc. She remarked about how when she visited the south (I think she was in Georgia?) for vacation years ago the elderly black men would step off the side of the sidewalk for her as she passed. She told us in a "how respectful of that black man!" sort of way. 

When I was a kid my dad tried to teach me that blacks and whites should not marry- thankfully my mother put a stop to that nonsense. 

Then you get people who put confederate flag stickers on their cars, shirts, etc.

The list goes on and on. And these are just my observations as an outsider. 

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​And ignoring one side and not the other don't contribute to an educated discussion.  I agree that Azealia sounded childish and angry at something that we might or might not know. However all I see is how people criticize her for her blatant opinions which arguably was her intentional strategy to get people talking about her/taking notice of her.  I don't see anybody saying anything about the man who ACTUALLY went on the streets and made racist comments to ACTUAL people in a public place, which is what Azealia was criticizing. You can disagree with words, but when you condemn, please condemn actions.

There are people all over the place, in every corner of the US, condemning people like this guy in the video. There are people condemning the OS racial song by the frat guys...all over the news and it is all over social media. 

Contrary to what AB thinks, many in this country are outraged at events of this nature that are in the news and that happen in the world around them. 

My distaste for Azealia's racist and bigoted views and language means that I also detest the same behavior from all people. 

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"Those little teenage girls who work at Kmart and have a racist grandma..." I'm sorry, Azealia, but what?!

Why does one of my faves have to always sound so foolish?

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There are people all over the place, in every corner of the US, condemning people like this guy in the video. There are people condemning the OS racial song by the frat guys...all over the news and it is all over social media. 

Contrary to what AB thinks, many in this country are outraged at events of this nature that are in the news and that happen in the world around them. 

My distaste for Azealia's racist and bigoted views and language means that I also detest the same behavior from all people. 

​^ I can agree with this. :golfclap:

I understand where Azealia is coming from, but I also believe that targeting entire groups the way she does is wrong. It's very clear which type of person she's specifically against, but she generalizes it to the point where those of us who ARE on her side and AGREE with what she's trying to say end up being treated the same as the people she's criticizing. 

Like, I get it- I'm not invited to this conversation you're having because I'm white. I understand. But you don't have to kick me on my way out or act like my input doesn't matter.

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