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Lady Gaga boxing and working out again


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she probably just wants to be fit in general, but obviously being in tiptop shape will be great for when she starts touring again.

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high heeled fem

She probably realized she can't do huge tours and be on top of her **** if she smokes weed all day and is out of shape like during the BTW ball.

Good for her, her career, her s-x life and her health! 

​that said
big chunk of tour  her ****ing calves are AMAZING and so toned and much tiner than chunky..... katy perry its cause she climbed those huge stairs!!! its just end of europe... she well yeah
first half she looked great >>>> tiny calves 


also have you ever though maybe she wants to work out to feel great? if u exercise well u dont have to stress about your diet 24 hours of the day........ 

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