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It's official: "Blurred lines" is a rip-off


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I hope this goes to appeal court.

"Fame Is A Boomerang" - Maria Callas
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Lion Heart

Robin, his ARTPOP era :madge:



Seriously though

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**** like this is SO bad for the music industry...like basically what the court is saying is that you can no longer be influenced by previous music. Like it's 2015 how are we supposed to continue putting out music that doesn't resemble anything else and then whip out MILLIONS if a court decides that you're guilty of "stealing" a song. I think it's laughable that you guys are giving them so much **** after the EY vs BTW drama. Gaga even said herself that the chord she was using in BTW has been used in disco music for ages. Artists and others are influenced by the past, they listen to something and they want to make new art. Pharrell did a lot of work on that record that made it sound VERY different from Marvin Gaye's song. Reports like these don't help the music industry, they hurt it. 

Do you guys REALLY think Marvin Gaye would want those men SUED for millions over his 1970's song. No he wouldn't. He was an artist and believe it or not I don't think he would've agreed with this.

​I'm totally with you. It is nigh on impossible to make anything original anymore in music. Even when you know an artist isn't trying to copy someone, you can't always help seeing small similarities. I do amateur reviews of albums and I swear there's one song every album (usually more) that remind me of other songs, be it in lyrics or beats (or occasionally, both). But they're not being taken to court and no one even brings them up, so I don't think this song should be either. I listened to Marvin's song and I don't see the similarity. AT. ALL. I think the court and the judge must have really disliked Robin and Pharrell, it's that simple. And I also don't understand how Gaga fans can drag them for this when Gaga went through a much more publicised copyright accusation that was also strongly denied. If courts can come down this hard over two songs with basically no similarity, she got off really light.

Indeed, there is nothing wrong with being inspired and reinventing old things. As long as there isn't a direct duplicate or using samples without clearing them, I don't see a problem. I've heard similarities in songs but rarely have I ever wanted to see the artist taken to court over it. I think this was a pure money grabbing case, nothing more.

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​I'm totally with you. It is nigh on impossible to make anything original anymore in music. Even when you know an artist isn't trying to copy someone, you can't always help seeing small similarities. I do amateur reviews of albums and I swear there's one song every album (usually more) that remind me of other songs, be it in lyrics or beats (or occasionally, both). But they're not being taken to court and no one even brings them up, so I don't think this song should be either. I listened to Marvin's song and I don't see the similarity. AT. ALL. I think the court and the judge must have really disliked Robin and Pharrell, it's that simple. And I also don't understand how Gaga fans can drag them for this when Gaga went through a much more publicised copyright accusation that was also strongly denied. If courts can come down this hard over two songs with basically no similarity, she got off really light.

Indeed, there is nothing wrong with being inspired and reinventing old things. As long as there isn't a direct duplicate or using samples without clearing them, I don't see a problem. I've heard similarities in songs but rarely have I ever wanted to see the artist taken to court over it. I think this was a pure money grabbing case, nothing more.

​Thank you for responding. I was wondering if anyone would feel the same way. It IS impossible to come up with anything that is completely original. Inspiration is what it is but sadly it's taken this way anymore. People want money for their art and if they feel as if someone is making music that even sounds REMOTELY like theirs, they will come for blood. It's so unfortunate but it's the time we've come too...sad truth lol. It truly takes the artistry and in a way the "fun and innocence" of making music. Everything is so corporate now and copyrighted.

Edit: Sorry if this doesn't make sense...so bad with my words hahaha

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