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NME: Madonna's Devil Pray sounds like Aura


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I honestly don't hear any similarity

and not surprised you would make this thread :fan:

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I don't think Madonna could anymore do something remotely as good as Aura.

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xoxo cupcakke

It feels reductive :reductive:

But really, NME, calm your chill and quit adding lighter fluid the low flames of this dying feud :lana:

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Becuase it has a string instrument as an Introduction? Yea, some crazed Gaga fan must have written this. Goodnight.

I can't be free if my hands are tied... 🧟‍♀️👰🏻
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Is it because there's a guitar at the beginning? :confused: I mean I get how they start folksy and then dancey and then turn something else (I don't know the word) but the actual sound of it doesn't sound similar to me :huh: The mix of different sounds sure :shrug:

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Because of the acoustic guitar, a hard hitting bass and a lil bit of build up? what kind of a reach

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Pure Adrenaline

lol people sometimes

It's much more fun to have hizophrenia... u never get lonely
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