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VOTE: Gagas SOM-tribute nominated at Swedish Award Awards


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There's this radioshow in Sweden called pp3 that pretty much sums up the awards season like "Best Red Carpet", "Best Speech" and also "Best Live Performance" where Gaga is nominated for her tribute at the oscars.


Even though it's not a big deal it would be nice for her to win so follow this link: http://sverigesradio.se/sida/artikel.aspx?programid=4283&artikel=6104544

And find the category "Ã…rets Liveframträdande", click on Gagas category and click "Rösta".  


PS: You can also vote for Madonnas brit awards fall in the category "Best Fail" in Swedish "Ã…rets ovärdigaste stund" :dies:



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There's this radioshow in Sweden called pp3 that pretty much sums up the awards season like "Best Red Carpet", "Best Speech" and also "Best Live Performance"

​That's so meta.

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