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Film fans, check out this website


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I have been on here for about a year, you can add every movie you've ever seen to it which would take a long time but you can just add movies youve just seen, it builds up your catalogue. 


You can also follow other people and see what they watch, you can review any film too. 


this is my profile :hor:




shows how many films I have logged on the site and how many Ive seen in 2015 so far


lists, ratings, etc. lots of cool features if you're into films you should make an account and follow me ill follow you back :)

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I feel like if you enjoyed Her you would enjoy a movie called In Your Eyes, it's on Netflix and I just watched it tonight. Somewhat of a common theme which I why I linked it, really powerful and good movie :)


#BlackLivesMatter #TransLivesMatter - You let down members of the community and forced us out.
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