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Kendrick Lamar to Iggy Azalea: "God Wants You Here"

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Gov Hooka

How many black rappers speaking out in Iggy's defense will it take before White SJW chill out?

this :toofunny:

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Gov Hooka

It hasn't prevented blacks from totally dominating rap for the 25 years it's  been big business.

I think yelling "racism" at every problem blacks face can obscure deeper problems, like over-militarized policing and poverty, which require inter-racial solutions. 

this too

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but remember Gaga called Madonna "retarded" once, do we still use that against her no... :awkney:


Lmao that isn't true

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He's right. Let her do her thing. If you don't like her, don't ****ing listen to her. It's seriously that simple.


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Omg it's gonna be so much fun watching you pressed as a burnt pancake haters SEETHE  :thetea:


He's right and ya'll can just sit yo ass down and change the channel when Iggy's next hit comes up on the radio/TV



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Homo-Latino? Privileged? :awkney:

I've never faced any real racism in life even at snobby suburban schools and **** or with cops, it's really not as big as we make it to be, it still obviously exists, but realistically if you get called the N word in public, you will be defended... Racism has been a dead belief for a long time now.

"Over the span of more than a decade, 2,151 whites died by being shot by police compared to 1,130 blacks."

But that's none of my business :giggle:

Latino? I'm guessing you're a 3rd generation or more child...? You have light skin and you even dyed your hair blond. You don't even look Latino.

A few months ago a cop stopped me and asked to see my papers.

I get horrible looks when speak Spanish to my family in public.

I've had people that don't even know me threaten me to call immigration on me, and I'm not even an immigrant.

Now, if there's not even a seed of racism there then I have no idea what it is.

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Homo-Latino? Privileged? :awkney:

I've never faced any real racism in life even at snobby suburban schools and **** or with cops, it's really not as big as we make it to be, it still obviously exists, but realistically if you get called the N word in public, you will be defended... Racism has been a dead belief for a long time now.

"Over the span of more than a decade, 2,151 whites died by being shot by police compared to 1,130 blacks."

But that's none of my business :giggle:

Just because it hasn't happened to you doesn't mean it doesn't happen to others... In Texas, Arizona and many other southern states were there is a prominent Latin community there is much prejudice... Even with my friends at school the janitor is a Latina and one of them made a joke saying "actually your mom" and I didn't find it funny cause my mom actually works as a secretary for an oil company. Don't say it's not a big thing just because you haven't faced it of seen it happe.
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Homey's gonna catch a lot of heat from his fans, cause a lot of them hate her.

Lmao ....n*ggas gonna be pissed ...

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