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Trilogy Mix - Aura, Venus & G.U.Y.


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I made this ages ago but I never uploaded it. I had this concept where Aura and Venus would fight for G.U.Y. Since Aura's production sounds slightly aggressive, I made it interrupt in the mix. But Venus wins in the end as itself and G.U.Y. go well together  :nick:
Also, yes, I know it sounds a bit messy but for some reason that's what I was going for :laughga: Let me know what you think  :) 


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it sounds messy but u already stated that, oh yeah also it slays :music:a good sounding mess :applause:

Yes! That's what I was going for! Don't ask why :smh: 

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I like it :sis: thanks for sharing!

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i like the ending with Venus's chorus!


Some parts are so messy but it's okay because it actually fits together and i love messy music  :giveup:

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Aga Gydal

This is REALLY good! What I typically hate about mashups is that they tend to just stick the vocals of one song onto the instrumental of another song and call it a day, but this one adds a new layer to it (well, a third song, lol), but I really like it. 


If you want to make it even better, then I'd say just work on getting the pitch down to her regular voice. Then it's killer. :)

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