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Gaga slams artists who don't write and can't sing

Pure Adrenaline

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-90% doesn't mean she has only written 9 out of 10 songs, it means she writes the songs and other people (mostly producers) help her mesh it into life. Like the my-my-my in Poker Face someone mentioned-that was his lyrical contribution to the song (this was from an interview with him) and he said she insisted giving him writing credit for it. He said in that same interview that she probably gives too much writing credits to her producers because she wants to be fair. 


-I just don't want a vessel artist. You can come up with some reason someone's mass fame is justified, and in the end talent is all relevant.  Someone out there will always think Fill-in-the-blank is a good singer, even if the majority doesn't. It's all opinion.  No one is without SOMETHING but in the end they need to offer you enough so that you approve-or maybe you just don't care about a person being themselves-I don't really care.  Personally, I want someone who can hold their own and do the job they are supposed to do-why wouldn't someone? It makes no sense to say, "well, you're a horrible public speaker, you have horrible reasoning skills and no education...but damn you're fine, we're going to hire you as our lawyer anyways." Obviously there's a difference between being an entertainer and a lawyer, but you get my point. 

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nnnnn;; not people thinking of Britney, Katy, Rihanna, etc whenever she mentions talentless people :toofunny: the self awareness :air:



It's hilarious isn't it :lmao:

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nnnnn;; not people thinking of Britney, Katy, Rihanna, etc whenever she mentions talentless people :toofunny: the self awareness :air:

Seriously, you can't make this stuff up. :rip:

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Radio Ga Ga

i think if u have a catchy voice (katy, britney), but can't necessarily sing live well, u could still get popular not just by ur looks

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Several of Gaga's performance's of teog and dope were very moving by themselves. The vma paparazzi performance had gaga in character so well that I got chills, and Born This Way was a movement towards equality that affected a lot of people. You don't have to sing nothing but sad love songs to be moving. I personally was the most moved by her performance of Swine at Swinefest.

She is being judgmental because people are superficial. And literally all she said was "well why are they artists." People feel attacked because they don't have an answer for that, at least not one that satisfies them. That's not her fault though.


Yes, i forgot about TEOG. It's not that you have to sing sad songs to be moved, its about the energy behind it for me. By some artist you can feel it in their voice and you know where are they coming from. I felt it when she sang speechless, it really moved me. With BTW it felt a little bit forced for me to be honest, i loved the song to death, and it is my most played song ever, but something is still missing for me, dont know exactly what. 


I don't want to open that door, because i love Gaga, and we know who she can be sometimes, but imho everyone is superfical, some more, some less, but everyone is. I just don't like it how peope on this forum take this comment from her to attack other artist, but maybe that's what she wants.

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Born To Slay

That's what I'm mainly referencing? Her Vegas residency looks bad honestly. She doesn't sing live, she's lifeless, can't dance anymore, and doesn't even look good. She's beautiful, she can dance, she can sing, but she doesn't use it.

What about Me Against The Music, The Blackout medley, Work Bitch, Circus, the dance break between BOMT and OIDIA, Stronger and even TTWE? All of these songs contain plenty of choreography and Britney does it well.

She's not lifeless either, she actually smiles during the show and changes up the dialogue.

I don't know how you can save she doesn't even look good, most of the time she's Beatiful and her tits are fab.

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i don't agree with Gaga, there's a lot of artists who are products like Diana Ross, Whitney Houston, and they are iconic

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i don't agree with Gaga, there's a lot of artists who are products like Diana Ross, Whitney Houston, and they are iconic
but they can, as Gaga said, "blow"
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i don't agree with Gaga, there's a lot of artists who are products like Diana Ross, Whitney Houston, and they are iconic



they are great singers, Gaga would have nothing bad to say about them.


Repeating myself, Gaga is simply saying that people should bring something to the table besides being a cute girl basically doing karaoke.   They problem is that 90% of pop fans really don't care how manufactured an entertainment product is as long as it's "catchy" and they can "pop their ***" to it.  


Gaga is saying she wishes labels would put more money into legitimate artists who bring something strong to the table, whether it's songwriting, singing, musicianship, etc, rather than just looking for pretty faces they can autotune and train to make choreo steps.


And really the labels are being stupid in many regards.  For every flash in the pan pop girl or boy that has a five year career, the long lasting steady money makers are legitimate artists that can outlast and move beyond the labels lack of creativity.

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they are great singers, Gaga would have nothing bad to say about them.


Repeating myself, Gaga is simply saying that people should bring something to the table besides being a cute girl basically doing karaoke.   They problem is that 90% of pop fans really don't care how manufactured an entertainment product is as long as it's "catchy" and they can "pop their ***" to it.  


Gaga is saying she wishes labels would put more money into legitimate artists who bring something strong to the table, whether it's songwriting, singing, musicianship, etc, rather than just looking for pretty faces they can autotune and train to make choreo steps.


And really the labels are being stupid in many regards.  For every flash in the pan pop girl or boy that has a five year career, the long lasting steady money makers are legitimate artists.

in case the fault is not in the record labels, the blame is in the audience that enjoy this kind of artists


Gaga sees this like this artist is authentic the other is not

Every Singer or performer who has success is not entirely authentic because record labels choose the music and the lyrics

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in case the fault is not in the record labels, the blame is in the audience that enjoy this kind of artists


Both, because in many cases the audience has proven that they can appreciate better music when it's provided.  But it's true that many fans aren't willing to work too hard and will basically put up with whatever's on radio.

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Of course its the record labels fault, most of the GP just get fed **** through the radio and don't give two thoughts about artistic integrity and the credibility of who wrote the song/melody.

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