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Celebrity Big Brother 2015 (UK/Series 15)


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Morphine Prince

Watching now! Patsy is so wasted :lmao:

She is :smh:

Guys, it was great watching this show with you all. It's my first time watching CBB and it was awesome! Will be tuning in for the next CBB in August! Although I doubt anything will top this season :rip:

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He's such a piece of **** I honestly CAN'T... was so happy that Katie H. read him to filth on BOTS.


But about the final, I'm rather deflated... Katie P. was just too much of a non-entity for me. She came in 10 days late, she didn't commit to anything or anyone, didn't really bring anything new or unique to the house, stayed silent and unmoving during some of the most outrageous **** people (Perez) said. I think any of the others, even Keith, deserved it more than she did.


But I was rooting so hard for Michelle, I'm just glad she beat out Mario's vile ass to the final.


Would also have loved for Calum or Katie H. to have snatched the title. Ah well...

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Young Pancake

So I just finished watching and I am so happy that Katy P won CBB 2015! I'm also happy that Katy H lost, Helen winning the regular bb last year was too much already. 

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Very surprised at Pricey winning, and Michelle being 5th. I'm glad Katie Hopkins didn't win because she's still not a very nice person. I thought it would've been Calum who won. I feel glad for Katie P though, she did seem genuinely shocked that she won. 

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Glad Pricey won although I was backing Michelle. Bit taken back that Katie Hopkins bolted out in the same way Perez did? 

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I don't think Katie P should've won. She was too boring.

I find it funny how in her winning interview, and on BOTS she was so mouthy towards the general housemates, but not in the house.

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Katie Price should NEVER have one. What an absolute car crash of a housemate. :lmao:

They really should have kept her for the next series of CBB. A late-coming, boring ass letdown of a housemate isn't what you call a winner! It would have been different if she actually brought something to the house other than her irrelevant stories about shoving things up Alex Reid's arsehole.


Hopkins was obviously the true winner last night. Best entertainment value from the show this season and without a doubt one of the BEST celebrity housemates to EVER enter that hell hole! She lived up to her expectations, even until the show finally ended at midnight last night on BOTS - serving it like it was in both her interviews with Emma & Rylan. :lmao:


I would have like to see Calum win too, however, and Michelle to place at least third. But in fairness it was no shock to see her place 5th with the lack of 'star power' in the UK and being the only American out of the other four. She did amazing though!

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I would say I'm surprised that Pricey won, but the GB public have been incapable of choosing the right winner since forever so its no real shock. Mess though, she was so boring, disgusting and dumb - some of the things she said were just repulsive. But whatever, it was an amazing series and I genuinely think it is one of the greats!


Happy for my girl Katie H getting second place  :saira:

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So I miss CBB already. SIGH.


Here's a post from TiBB - Somebody who was there live. Super fun read. Sounds like Perez was slaughtered throughout the entire night which makes me SO happy.


The show was very much 'live'. The HM's didn't take their places outside until about 10 mins before going on air. No idea what went on in the Green Room before they came out, but their faces were a picture and there was lots of bickering about who would sit where. Production wanted them to sit in order of eviction, but Kav refused to go anywhere near Perez. He looked irate and rattled, gesturing and mouthing to the crowd what he thought of Perez and it got pretty heated between them. I honestly felt like I was witnessing what went on inside the house and couldn't believe it had spilled outside the house. Nadia and Perez sat together, as I remember it - Alex was at the other end, then Kav, Chloe, Patsy, Cami and Alicia?? Kav, Chloe and Cami were mouthing off to Perez (obvs couldn't hear what was being said) and Perez was getting very upset. Minutes before we went on air, he was asking Production crew (who, along with security were surrounding the HM's) to leave. Nadia was really angry at this point too. Production (or whoever it was) had words with Kav and Perez, managed to talk everyone into sitting down and calm down (temporarily!) to go live.

I have no idea what Patsy was on tonight, but she looked wasted. She kept slumping down in her seat (didn't realise she was still there at one point) and disappeared for a few breaks as well. Don't think she knew what was going on half the time, cuddling/hanging onto/slumped over Kav and Chloe, sat on Alex's lap at one point, kissing Cami on the lips (long enough to ensure the crowd noticed) - but mainly trying to calm Kav down! Didn't see her interact with Nadia, Perez or Alicia - no idea what's gone on there! At one point, Cami was ranting about Perez to a producer - every other word was the F word!

Alicia and Nadia ended up either side of Perez (who was still clearly upset) - they kept chatting to him whenever Kav/Chloe/Cami had a pop at him, along the lines of 'ignore it'. Now I have no idea exactly why Kav was so full of hate and rattled by Perez tonight, but on numerous occasions, production had to keep having words with him to shut up and calm down.

So onto the evicitions ................... Michele got a great reception. During her interview, some of the crowd decided to turn on Perez when his face was on the screen. Pretty sure I can't post up what was shouted at him without getting a ban on here, really abusive. One guy standing close to me wouldn't shut up and Perez got upset again - which just made this guy worse with his abuse. Not nice. Would add - the majority of the crowd were OK tonight (thought it would be a nightmare), but those that did not like Perez were pretty vocal at times - he did have support there, some singing 'The Perez Show'!

Loved Keith's eviction, brilliant reception. He was standing in front of me when he broke down, lots of cheers of 'Cheggers Cheggers' which I think made him more emotional.

Callum had an amazing reception - he shook my hand and said 'How you doing?' Someone told him they thought he should've have won; 'Awww, thanks dude!' We all sang Happy Birthday to him.

Katie Hopkins bounced down, looking very teeny tiny. She had some boos but by the time she got to the stage, cheers too. She was whipped off by Emma for interview pretty sharpish.

Not gonna lie, pretty shocked Katie P won. She looked shocked too. Her mum, brother and fella were there - after her interview, she came back out onto the stage and knelt down to shake hands - so I got to shake her hand and congratulate her, she was thanking everyone. This was when all the HM's were now out on the stage and Katie Hopkins was kneeling down shaking hands too. She stood up in front of me, Perez was in front of her (not looking in her direction) and she 'pretended' to punch him from behind, rolled her eyes, shrugged her shoulders and walked off.

Going back to when the evictiions were happening ............at one point, Kav disappeared for ages, thought security had kicked him out! Michele was watching the show play out on the screen the most, didn't look like she wanted to involve herself in the rows going on up there. Keith used Alicia's phone (I think!) to phone his wife on the otherside of the stage, blowing kisses to each other - he was so happy to see her! When Callum was standing with the HM's, Kav worked his way over to him and was whispering in his ear - can only think it was about Perez cos Callum looked shocked and was looked over at Perez.

During the ad breaks, music gets played in - HM's loved that as much as the crowd, they were up and dancing. Perez especially liked 'Let it Go' from Frozen and got up on his seat to dance - which prompted Chloe to give him the middle finger - even though she was more than happy to dance like crazy too.

Near the end of the show, during the final ad break, the HM's were asked to quickly move from their seats to come onto the stage at the end. This also resulted in more bickering, with Kav refusing to go near Perez again. I know this sounds pathetic and to watch it play out - I really thought it was. The show is over - get over it!!

Sorry this all probably sounds random and waffly in parts, sure there's lots more I could add when I remember - just wanted to share some of what I saw whilst fresh in my mind! Had to post though, cos out of all the previous Celeb Finals I've been to, I've never seen one where some of the HM's are still soooooo bitter towards each other. Haven't seen Bit on the Side tonight, can only guess it all spilled over to that - it's not fake, this lot really don't get on!!

It was freeeeeezing there tonight, I've only just thawed out and going to bed. Makes me think, why on earth some people Q up for hours in the cold simply to boo and shout abuse (with REAL anger) at people they don't know and never will, but were happy to spend 4 weeks watching them on TV.

Anyway, it was a crazy night but glad I went - loved this show and so happy I got to see all the HM's up close, even though it was pretty ugly at times!

Roll on the next one!


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