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PHOTOS: Gaga in New York City


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The lips seem to have settled in and her face looks a bit like her old self again.  :wub:

That's what I thought!!!!


This woman is a chameleon tbh 


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She looks ready to serve...

I haven't gasped while looking at a gaga picture in a long time.. And this look is just out of this world

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I think Gaga undeniably looked gorgeous a times during ARTPOP era too...




even tho she looks pretty in these pics...you can tell her skin looks less radiant, her face looks tired, her makeup isn't as polished, and the General vibe from her isn't as powerful. Yes she still was pretty during ARTPOP. I think you're completely missing the point. No one is saying she wasn't pretty. And not everything is a dig at ARTPOP. Just that she looks radiant and rested and in a better state of mind now. Its like she's gained back her youth and confidence. More rest, less hectic flight traveling, less busy schedules, and healthier eating make a world of a difference for performers
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She looks lovely.


I'm so ready for some Crazyga and Hookerga tho. All we've been getting is Classyga ever since artRAVE ended, which I enjoy too, but I want her to change it up already :)

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ok. When she wants her looks are amazing


just imagine if Nicola was still here dictating her style. We'd be getting looks like this every damnn day 😳
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Joe Calderone

I'm saying though, it's scary how much this looks like 2010 Gaga. I didn't think she could look like that anymore


Like we entered a damn time machine




IKR? Thank God she didn't use that horrible tape again that messes up her face. She's still the same without it, even with a little more weight (which suits her in my opinion)  :wub:

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Joe Calderone

ew I can see the tape


Where? :shrug:  I think it's one of the few times that she wore a wig without facial tape over the last months.

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