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VIDEO: Azealia Banks' interview with Hot 97 - talks about Iggy, Black Culture


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It does. It shows his perspective. So many people like him feel like they're oppressed and don't understand racism.

I'm just saying it looks like he's trying to be really civil and you are going a little too far with that

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Early twenties ya, but have a girl friend, from Canada, and not twink at all. Are you just trying to sounds rude and stupid, or do you have a point behind this :sweat:


Even worse, you're a young straight white male...

your opinion on racism or feminism probably doesn't matter. You don't get to decide how completely different people feel. 

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Even worse, you're a young straight white male...

your opinion on racism or feminism probably doesn't matter. You don't get to decide how completely different people feel.

Wow what a completely hypoctitical thing to say, "no, you are white, so you cannot participate in a conversation about race" makes sense

I'm sure the next white person who wants to fight for African American rights or the next male who wants to fight for women's rights can go screw off because "your opinion doesn't matter"

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I'm sorry but I can't just outright forgive everything she said because she cried in an interview..HOWEVER I respect her enough to the extent she sticks up for what she believes in and her opinions..

As far as the race thing goes, why does it matter? If you want hits, work harder. Nothing to do with race tbh. Iggy worked just as hard as the next person so..

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People making this about album sales and hits when she's trying to say that black children are losing all sense of their culture :Emma:

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This interview made me understand her point of view and I respect her so much now. She's like that because she's really passionate in what she does

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People making this about album sales and hits when she's trying to say that black children are losing all sense of their culture :emma:

This. I can't imagine what it must feel like to be black in this country. To have people constantly dismiss your work and your culture as deplorable, vulgar, low-brow, but then have white people do the same thing and be praised as quirky and hip, even brave. To have criminals of your race be demonized as "thugs" by news outlets but white criminals are just "mentally/emotionally disturbed." To have, as she mentioned, your whole K-12 history education be about all the great things white people have done throughout history (often at the expense of people of color, but that's of course glossed over) as if the rest of us are just a bunch of free riders that didn't contribute and should just be thankful for what white people have given us. And to have, as soon as anything is done to remedy this, an army of angry white people call reverse-racism. I can barely handle it emotionally from an outside perspective. I don't think I could bear it from the inside.

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It's interesting to be listening to this interview as both a person of minority status(I'm gay) and as a person of majority status(I'm also white).  On one hand I do understand why she's angry; important milestones in human culture that were pioneered by gays, such as some of the ancient Middle Eastern bureaucracy systems, are completely glossed over and/or not mentioned.  So I know how it feels to see your people's contributions made light of or not even be mentioned.  However, and I know I'm going to be jumped on for this, simply being angry about it is not enough.  She can sit there and get emotional and cry and be angry, and that's valid for her to do, but she's really doing herself and others a disservice if she doesn't then dry her tears, get out of that chair, and do something about it.  I would respect her vastly more if she went at the issue with a clear, well-thought-out opinion that had clear delivery, rather than doing what a casual watcher might see as just getting mad at white people because they use agriculture.  The gays for years were vilified, made into caricatures of themselves in national media, and killed because they were minorities.  We got up and collectively did something about it, and we did it the smart way; we infiltrated the media.  Now we're vastly more respected as a group, and though in some sense we're losing some of our identity, we don't get killed on a daily basis anymore, so I personally feel that's an improvement.  I also feel that Azaelia doesn't realize that whenever a majority culture accepts minority culture as valid, it's going to engulf it and change it a bit.  This happens in any culture, regardless of race or any other differentiating characteristic.  It's the pill you have to swallow; do you want your culture to be the "other" that's unaccepted but pure, or do you want it to be accepted and inevitably changed by the majority over time?  She can't singlehandedly nullify basic social paradigms, so she's going about this the entirely wrong way.  I admire her passion, and I hope she eventually makes the change she wants to see made, but at the moment, all her passion is being wasted.  :shrug:


Inb4 someone tells me I can't speak about race because I'm white/that my minority status is invalid because I'm also a member of a majority.  :rip:

I'm talkin' 'bout forever, baby.
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Pure Adrenaline

I think I agree with her about the Iggy part :manicure:



EDIT: I just went to the part where she started crying .... omng I did not expact that she is really sincere .... I feel sad for her tbh :ohno:

It's much more fun to have hizophrenia... u never get lonely
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People making this about album sales and hits when she's trying to say that black children are losing all sense of their culture :emma:

Ikr, like the **** is wrong with people :emma: 

I root for you. I love you. You, you, you, you.
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