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Adam Lambert Shades Nick Jonas


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Miranda Sings

says the person who doesnt have his own career but tours singing songs from another band. COVER ARTIST.

He's on tour WITH Queen, not just singing their songs :awkney:

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Who really cares? If that's who he wants to target and sell his music to, then let him. What's the harm in him being a positive ally for the LGBT community?

Now here's a man who's serving the real tea.



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some of you can be so myopic. 


his point was that its now become trendy for overtly attractive straight male celebrities to bank on the desperation and insecurity of thirsty ass gay guys that will flock around a hot straight male like seagulls and reward such a sight with attention and praise.


just take a look at the kim kardashian thread of her posing nude, its a bunch of shaming comments, made by a lot of gay males on the internet, but when nick jonas does it yall can hardly type with one hand while drooling.


if lgbt members where able to s-xually express themselves to the same regular, daily extent that everyone else was, then this point would be invalid, but thats not the case.  

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She just wants attention







❝Is not blue, not turquoise, not lapis. It's actually cerulean❞.
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I'm pretty sure straight women find the same material entertaining. Stop trying to start drama, Adam. :roll:

This kitten over here (meow)
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I hate that when someone gets naked (on their own accord, obviously), people get whipped up into a frenzy. It's a body. We all ****ing have one.




I mean, I can understand why some people would get annoyed if you get naked to sale things, if you lack talent of course, but it's so weird how offended people get over nakedness. It's not like they're displaying YOUR naked body. It's theirs.. people can be so weird. :wtf:

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