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Why other pop artists are still hugely popular, but not Gaga.


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Loads of reasons.


1. Bad promotional work.

2. Self pity over 'celebrity problems' instead of general problems everyone has.

3. No one cared for the art she's been trying to use as imagery, koons isn't that interesting.

4. Being behind on trends and releasing quite dated music.

5. Not sticking to the spot she made for herself in music, people want crazy weird Gaga or 'normal' Gaga, not half assed and lukewarm Gaga.


I can't express how annoying and dull it was hearing her moan about how hard she's had it in the business and how upset she was blah blah blah because there are thousands, if not millions of people who would cut off a limb to have a fraction of the success she has. The last thing I want to hear about is how 'hard' it's been for her when I'm desperately working and studying every day just so I can live, basically working myself into the ground... it's so frustrating.

I agree with number 4...... I thought about this ever since ARTPOP was released but I never wanted to say it, the production of ARTPOP was dated. Dance/pop/EDM was very 2012/early 2013, halfway through 2013 dance music changed and Gaga was still back in 2012... If ARTPOP had of been released in early 2013 (she had never broken her hip) things would have been still on top.

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She is not shocking enough anymore. When people Hear name Gaga then they think:

- controversy,


- hardcore

- creative,

- edgy yet pop,

- fresh (ok maybe not anymore)

Did Gaga fulfil any of these links with C2C? Obviously not - so GP doesn't and won't care.

Next - did she fulfil that with AP? Just a lil bit but t the era was silent enough and ended so fast that it has no bigger matter for the GP.

So when was the last time she satisfied them? 2011? Not really because she went for the sound of 80s only

The begining of era with BTW and Judas controversy brought something to table, but Judas destroyed her position, since it showed she is not as inspired as she used to be (it sounds like BR).

So really the last time GP was properly fed was Alejandro back in 2010. This is miracle they still remember her.

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Once she started to talk about everything, people got less interested in her, she destroyed the mystery about her she once had.


I've to say, i like the old Gaga much much better than the new one. Don't get me wrong, there are some things i love what she talks about, but she always contradicts herself, so that i can't take her serious anymore. 


Once i was really interested into her persona and everything about her, but now i like  only the music, most of my friends feel the same, only that they even don't listen to her music anymore. Now she went that jazz path, for many its great, for some others not so much. If she continues to go that road i will lost all interest, but i think that is just normal, and i hope she knows that, because that would happen to anyone.

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Born Brave

I don't buy the whole Fresh concept.. "everyone wants someone new". 


Not true... Eminem still slays and he's going on 17 years of success. Taylor Swift is about to break Britney's record and she's been around since 2007 before Gaga even had Just Dance on radio.

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Hi Enigma,

 I'm still not quite understanding your reasoning behind your statement. Financial statistics prove otherwise. Perhaps it is your personal loss of interest or disillusion in Lady Gaga you need to a--lyze? Can you send me any statistical links that prove Lady Gaga's popularity is on the decline? What is it that is causing you to believe this? Maybe you didn't like her last album, or don't like the ARTRAVE ARTPOP Tour? You don't like the Cheek to Cheek collaboration? Or perhaps you may be becoming disinterested because she is in Love with and committed to Taylor Kinney?


I think that you are the one that is not understanding me. I do love ARTPOP and Cheek To Cheek and everything she has been releasing. But I think her decline is obvious. Once again I am not saying she is not successful, because she clearly still is very successful and powerful. In fact, she is still as successful as her contemporaries. But her previous album sold 7 plus million, while ARTPOP while still successful, sold 2.3 million. Also her singles, radio play, awards, have also decreased in popularity. Me pointing out a decline does not mean I don't like what she is doing, because I do.

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Not sure if you seen my first post but I actually listed several of my beliefs regarding her drop in success and went on to explain how I personally didn't like the blaming of management etc, I haven't once purely blamed the decline on that one factor alone. It was merely a point of not only was she unrelatable, the 'problems' she had were frankly unrelatable and boring to me.

I agree that the "Lady Gaga is over" video was an interesting idea and I was also disapointed it didn't get a real chance to flourish further however we shortly then moved onto the Venus/Do What U Want fiasco which ultimatly ended in how first the media, people and finally her own team mistreat her. The Applause era was overshadowed quickly with further in-fighting and blaming. No one was really interested in her "troubles" regarding promotions, totally agree it felt like oversharing and I believe she allowed it to overshadow what could have been a prety decent era if she decided to really do something about the problems.

I understand what you're saying but I still believe she's lost the ground to be seen as an enigma unless she goes through a complete personallity change for the next album cycle. She's overshared to the point we can see her weak points and stunts like the SXSW swine performance have gone from being somewhat arguably artistic to just plain attention seeking. There's always been an element of a craving of attention however I don't believe she will ever be able to pass off these antics as "art" easily, if at all in the future.

(swapped to mobile as it's getting late here so excuse any mistypings or a lack of reply haha)

Something can be both attention seeking and artistic. It doesn't need to be one or the other. Also, art is meant to bee seen and a--lyzed. So you obviously need to seek attention. Public may not like that, but she is just doing what she wants.

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She is not shocking enough anymore. When people Hear name Gaga then they think:

- controversy,


- hardcore

- creative,

- edgy yet pop,

- fresh (ok maybe not anymore)

Did Gaga fulfil any of these links with C2C? Obviously not - so GP doesn't and won't care.

Next - did she fulfil that with AP? Just a lil bit but t the era was silent enough and ended so fast that it has no bigger matter for the GP.

So when was the last time she satisfied them? 2011? Not really because she went for the sound of 80s only

The begining of era with BTW and Judas controversy brought something to table, but Judas destroyed her position, since it showed she is not as inspired as she used to be (it sounds like BR).

So really the last time GP was properly fed was Alejandro back in 2010. This is miracle they still remember her.

The album sold very well, and it is still selling well. Jazz is just not what most young people would buy (not even some monsters). So all the sales came from some monsters and the GP. Also, Gaga is kind of an artist that keeps changing. She never is going to be just pop (even if this causes a decrease in her popularity).

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I mean... let's get real.. Born This Way (album) was where gaga alienated herself.. the world was obviously not ready for her.. maybe they never will be at this point.. love her to death and always will, but her decline was her fault. People still like her but the a lot of the GP is over it + not sure if she'll have another Fame/Fame Monster era. 

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People have their time?


sometimes there's a longer explanation is not needed.


Tbh I feel the ARTPOP era itself was very alienating

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I think people stopped liking her when she started taking herself too seriously. I mean, she always took herself seriously, but during her first two albums, she masked it well with her mysterious persona. Born This Way changed everything. She went from being this really cool, bad-ass pop star who lit her tits on fire, to being this nun-like leader of social pariahs, and a guidance counselor to thousands of bullied and gay kids. i think it was so admirable and necessary for her to do that, but at the same time, it completely alienated a huge number of people. 


I honestly don't think the quality of the music has much to do with it. Look at the dreck in the top 10, it's hardly 'quality' pop music that's in demand. People just want nice pop music that they can dance to and forget about as soon as the song stops. Taylor Swift and Katy Perry sing pretty, forgettable songs in cute dresses, and then they sit down and shut up. They're not pop stars who want to change the world, and that's exactly why they're so popular.

I love judas SO MUCH but I canʹt look like a copycat of JLO!!!!
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Gaga is not the typical pop singer, she is more tan this and GP loves to pigeonhole things, Gaga is in the contrary, changing, rebelling, and her soul is in rock music

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Wow. I'm kind of shocked and disappointed by some of these responses. 


I love her more now than I ever have... maybe because she let us in a bit more. Some people didn't like that. They wanted to keep guessing and a--lyzing her without being given a straight answer. I get the appeal, but she seems much more happy and relaxed now. Whereas before, she seemed sort of bored by interviewers asking the same questions, constantly having to prove herself and she seemed more on edge... and more b---hy. 


She has certainly redefined my love her for in ARTPOP.

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She is not shocking enough anymore. When people Hear name Gaga then they think:

- controversy,


- hardcore

- creative,

- edgy yet pop,

- fresh (ok maybe not anymore)

Did Gaga fulfil any of these links with C2C? Obviously not - so GP doesn't and won't.

Most if the GP doesn't care about any of that. Look at all the other popular acts. And the "GP" targeted by C2C arn't even fans of pop much less avant garde pop.

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