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Why other pop artists are still hugely popular, but not Gaga.


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where to start...


- Media overkill during the TMB era, it simply couldn't carry on like that, when anything burns that brightly its bound to come down with a bump in the end

- AP was dead in the water from the start, noone bought the idea and despite the imagery it was a bog standard EDM based album, mistakes with the singles (or lack of) post Applause. Gaga was lucky that people didn;t pick up that she copied Madge's Holiday on Fashion

- the whole EY/BTW debacle punched a hole in her popularity that led the world to believe she was a second rate clone (unfairly so)

- Gaga has massively overhyped BTW and AP, and people aren't buying into it anymore

- keep the album details to yourself until it's ready to go...the Taylor Swift model has been very successful

- Gaga is on thin ice grumbling about record labels etc- she needed and bnefited massively from all this and wasn't moaning when it was all going well for her


Gaga has a great voice (which seems to have been lost in all the noise) and writes/produces her own material which is a bonus, and hopefully the C2C album will remind people of that voice...as for the future, take the time, stop trying to create these elaborate concepts and focus on the songs and get someone to plan the next campaign properly.


In the end if the fanbase shrinks then so be it, at least those who stay will be interested in the music not just Bad Romance

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I think she has to go basic in her popmusic. OK some guys in here will probably want to kill me but it's the truth. When you make music you do it for the fans but also for other people (maybe new fans). 

The Fame and The Fame Monster were songs with a message (and also Born This Way). And that's were it stops...

Please an album with songs like: aphrodite, lady seashell bikini? We could belong together ARTPOP? 

Ask the fans, a lot can not answer this question about her new album ARTPOP: What does all of the songs mean. And don't come up with things like: combining art and pop. That's basically the thing she did her whole career.


She has to make basic pop (Max Martin, Dr. Luke, Red One, Fernando Garibay,...) and some lyrics with a message and please not so many metaphores, people don't understand this s**t.





as I said before you have to think A ****ING LOT to to understand her recent music and aint nobody got time for that ****, I just want fun music that I could easily relate to, songs about love, even empowerment but aphrodie and the philosophy of art and all of that like BYE


this is why katy is so successful, not because she is basic, because she makes simple, fun songs that are very easy to understand and she can even make unique songs and still slay like "Dark Horse"


gaga trys way too hard sometimes and and a lot of times she fails to get something great



My Favs = Lady Gaga, Janet Jackson, Ricky Martin, AKB48
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1. She has talent

2. Obviously from that list GP doesnt like talent

All I ever wanted was 🅻🅾🆅🅴
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Actually, when Gaga isn't 'shocking' or doing something 'out there'.. people look away (see, ARTPOP). She set the bar for herself at the beginning of her career when she redefined what a spectacle was in Pop Culture.

ARTPOP was tame. It was a little less thematic than her previous work. She was much less artsy during ARTPOP & it felt like a downgrade compared to her previous Eras (even though it was so so so good!). Gaga needs to keep challenging her audience; she's at her best when she does. ARTPOP challenged no-one. 

She's still as popular as her contemporaries - her most recent Pop Album didn't have everyone talking as much as previous ones did, but it's still sold 2.3+ million copies. 

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I'm sure she'll be at the top again, everyone has peaks and valleys and C2C is doing amazing.

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Loads of reasons.


1. Bad promotional work.

2. Self pity over 'celebrity problems' instead of general problems everyone has.

3. No one cared for the art she's been trying to use as imagery, koons isn't that interesting.

4. Being behind on trends and releasing quite dated music.

5. Not sticking to the spot she made for herself in music, people want crazy weird Gaga or 'normal' Gaga, not half assed and lukewarm Gaga.


I can't express how annoying and dull it was hearing her moan about how hard she's had it in the business and how upset she was blah blah blah because there are thousands, if not millions of people who would cut off a limb to have a fraction of the success she has. The last thing I want to hear about is how 'hard' it's been for her when I'm desperately working and studying every day just so I can live, basically working myself into the ground... it's so frustrating.

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Scarlet Witch

Basically she needs to not try so hard at explaining her art and let the work speak for herself.

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People got tired of Gaga's antics. Her artistry has nothing to do with it. Most people think Gaga is a gimmicky pop star among anyone else. Which is not true, but still people don't think her songs have 3 layers of metafors to it. 

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Rihanna hasn't even released anything or done anything worth sayings he's "hugely" popular, she had about 12 tour dates with Eminem that did incredibly well but that was only a few cities... 


Bruno, I understand he's had a lot of success this past year and a half but it's nowhere near comparable to Gaga's successes in the past...



However, I do think Gaga knows what she is doing now.  She seems a lot more secure of her direction now, and she's still securing major publicity spots (H&M holiday campaign, PBS special, C2C is still selling very well, etc).  If this thread was created about 8 months ago I'd understand but (to me) it looks like she's climbing back up slowly but surely.  

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Gaga's controversial and out of this world (galazy space and time :derpga:) can either make her the best or the worst thin ever to people.

♢ Social Justice Enthusiast ♢
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Sometimes she tries too hard. ARTPOP's title was a deterrent, but also I don't think the music appealed as much as her previous work to a widespread audience. The music sounded less fully and more like a bunch of different noises put together, it sounded too robotic to me and I know it bothered other people. Also her ability to enunciate clearly has gotten worse. A lot of non-stans have a hard time figuring out what she is saying. She should experiment with more crisp vocals again for some songs. 


I liked that she started off the era with looking cute and pretty, but when she goes overboard on the off-putting or ugly looks I do think it has some residual negative influences. People don't want a fugly popstar- myself included tbh. 

She had a good balance before, but during BTW I think she started going overboard. 


She's gorgeous and I love when she plays up the s-xy or cute Gaga looks, because why not do all that now before she gets older and it is harder to pull off? 

I want a super slutty/Love Game Gaga to make an appearance again. 



Also her controversies are becoming contrived imo. The SXSW vomit performance was a desperate grasp for attention and a pretentious nod to art without any heart. 

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David Butler

Gaga's lyrics can be "overly s-xual"?? And not Katy's, Rihanna's and Miley's???? They're lyrics are far more s-xual than hers. Gaga's lyrics have actual substance. She doesn't dumb down her songs for the peon public. You know, the mainstream "music" listening, brainwashed, degenerate, mentally enslaved, ignorant, zombie masses. And plus, the peon's are conditioned to hate/dislike her. That's why she's not as popular and successful as the others.

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I feel like it wasnt the controversy, she just got boring for the general public.


Honestly as a fan I have kind of been waiting for something major to happen ever since applause (i didnt jump on the C2C bandwagon). She is obviously the most interesting person ever, but at this moment ppl outside of the fan base feel the other way around.

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