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VIDEO: Iggy Azalea loses her cool & attacks a photographer


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How annoying and disgusting. It's going to backfire on Iggy, which is so unfair. Just because she want's to be commercially successful doesn't mean she wants to be followed and photographed while she buys eggs. :laughga:



at least he called her famous. shes not there yet tho


She is VERY famous sweety. And you, like or love it, need to accept that.  :classy:

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Honestly, I agree with both. She IS famous, this is what comes with being famous and being #1 around the world, and he shouldn't have entered the store and took pictures of her, he should have waited outside at least.

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holy scheisse

gagas a fame hooker prostitute wench who was ready for those flashing lights.



iggy... unfortunately appears to not be the same.



its a disgusting concept, but facts are facts... she is famous, in LOS ANGELES, the capital of Hollywood and American Pop Culture. the breeding ground for paparazzi.


...you're gonna get stalked there gurl. go back to australia if you cant handle that...

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Firstly, Iggy girl, what are you and your friend doing shopping late at night in a big city where men can be pigs? Famous or not, that's dangerous. :wtf:

Secondly, GO IGGY! She stoof up for herself and she told him to back off but he pushed and pushed and finally hit that b---h with a trolly. :applause:

Her friend on the other hand... Err... At least she was vocal about it (trying to find a positive)?

I don't wish paparazzi's didn't exsist. I just wish THESE type didn't. Like, give the girl some space. :wtf: You can be a good citizen and be paparazzi at the same time. Simply take a few snaps (at an appropriate time and place) and ask your questions then drop it. You'll be paid for your pics anyway and you'll be getting very little money for shots at the store anyway, so save everyone the troublle and DON'T do it.

Oh and lastly... How does she not have bodyguards? Her label allows such a thing? It isn't safe AT ALL.

♢ Social Justice Enthusiast ♢
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I agree with her. Who cares if this "comes along with being famous" thats bull. Celebs are still people. Would you like to be hounded like that all day every day? It would get one ANYONES nerves. I don't blame her at all for going off on him at all. 

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I feel like it should be ok for paparazzi to take pictures, but if you are asked by the person to stop taking pictures then you have to immediately. In America people have the freedom to record or document anything but if a person does not want to be photographed they should be able to say to stop. It would be one thing if the paparazzi walk by and take a pic....but imagine just having flashes over and over again at you? Wouldn't you eventually combust and want it to stop? It's disturbing having random people you don't know when you are in a market alone at night and they just follow you. 

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The paparazzi are a pain in the ass, and that's the way it is. This is how showbusiness works. Paparazzi are also the reason celebrities are so present in magazines and tabloids, and on that point, the pap kind had a point: if you don't want to be followed or photographed in the first place, don't live in LA. Or more importantly: don't be surprised if you get followed and photographed there.


I think Gaga has always had the right behavior towards paps. She knows they're a "necessary evil". And moreover, she puts her money where it should be: in security. Ok, she doesn't have villas or massive mansions in Beverly Hills or the Hamptons, but at least, when she doesn't want to be followed/photographed, she isn't followed/photographed. End of story. On that point, Gaga has said in the past that celebs complaining about paps were full of ****, and I totally agree with her.

that :applause:

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When she calmed down in the middle and spoke to him, I was on her side. Spitting on his face and ramming him with a trolley... :ghostga:

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