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Lady Gaga DRAGS rude user on Twitter for telling her to forget C2C


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You know what truly saddens me and I mean it from the bottom of my heart.

She has yelled on stages for wanting a better life for 80% of this base. She has addressed your issues in countries to the point that she got banned. She addressed your issues on high profile events and made people high ranked speak about it all the way to the president himself. She made make sneaky remarks about it even last night in Dubai where it isn't legal at all and dangerous on top. She does it all for YOU without being asked but that's what her heart tells her is right.
This is also something her heart telling her is right and she gets this in return?

@LouOrlando says the woman who cant take constructive criticism because her mouth is full of tony bennet's aging dick


It's a ****ing disgrace and the sad part is, she will keep doing it and would do it all over again in a heartbeat because she cares about each and every one of you.

Can't you ****ing give her the respect back and let HER enjoy this project with no strings attached, just something that will make HER happy for a few months?
It's pathetic this situation! You have taken her and her passion for granted.

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well Bobby needs to shape up ARTPOP back then and get it back on it's feet. Release a music video, and release ACT II. 

ARTPOP is over. Let's just move on, and remember it's HER career and not ours. Nobody is entitled to anything.

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wow Gaga was a little rude, I mean that's his opinion and he wants the Gaga he knows and love. To be honest he must be so sad that she did that just because he wants her to work on a pop album which is what we know Gaga for.


Quite frankly I love gaga to death and she does look a lot happier these days but her attitude tells a much different story. I remember a day not to long ago when gaga would never say anything bad to her fans no matter what. What she said to him was rude and uncalled for. He did not attack her or say anything negative, he just wanted her to work on her new album.

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Thank God you're banned. Obvious troll is obvious. Bye.


And Gaga's reply was perfect :applause:


I can't believe some of you are dragging Gaga when it's that entitled asshole who deserves to be dragged for his disrespectful tweets. And you consider yourselves fans? I can't with this ****ing fanbase anymore :fthis:


there was nothing disrespectful about him wanting the Gaga he knows and loves to make the music he knows and loves her to make.


He is a fan who wanted some more pop songs because gaga is the biggest pop star so it isn't hard to believe this guy would want her to keep making great pop songs that people can relate to! I mean her album is called ****ing "ARTPOP" I love Gaga but I can't with her attitude towards her fans lately!


And yes I consider myself a die heart fan because from day one Gaga taught us to think on our own and have free will and be brave! So mindlessly following her into Jazz music just because her name is on the cover is practically everything shes against.


most Young people don't like Jazz, most of the general public doesn't like jazz so if he asked Lady Gaga to work on her album it isn't an insult, he just expressed his opinion based on the impeccable pieces of POP she has given us, her fault for being flawless @ pop music / music in general

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User LadyCaligula (who posted a LOT of hate in this thread) has been banned.  We do allow negative opinions, but if you do find a user who is just dragging Gaga constantly, for no reason, please report them, and help us clean up this forum!   :)



you wonderful mod you!!!!! :whitney:



I reported that user AGES ago tho :toofunny: glad to see its been dealt with appropriately though! :woot:

ARTPOP is over. Let's just move on, and remember it's HER career and not ours. Nobody is entitled to anything.

Its becoming more difficult to try to tell these kinds of fans this... they refuse to accept it.

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there was nothing disrespectful about him wanting the Gaga he knows and loves to make the music he knows and loves her to make.


The disrespectful portion was telling her to just forget C2C when it's something that's obviously very meaningful to her in a number of ways, I read it as though the fan doesn't even see the jazz album as an extension of who she is but is simply writing it off and the work behind it all. That is why it was disrespectful to an extent and why Gaga probably replied (on top of likely getting this from a number of other fans). Most fans know that she's done and wishes to move on from ARTPOP in terms of the business side of things due to personal issues, this fan just didn't get it though. 

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Maybe now some of you Little Nightmares will start to realise that you can't talk sh!t about Gaga and her art and not expect consequences. The guy who sent that tweet proved he is the definition of a fair-weather fan. Only in it for the charts, for the #1s, so she can "slay". The moment she retaliated and stuck up for her art, he got on the defensive and sent those other horrible tweets.

Ooh we've got another little manager over here. Move over Bobby, clearly this guy's got it all under control.

Well said. :applause:

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Let's be honest. Gaga was rude. 

how so? for responding to him tweeting her...last I checked "open your mind" is very far from being a rude comment  :koons:

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I understand very well those who are not interested in listening to Jazz music. For example, I do not like rap music.  

What I do not understand is why these people have something to say to Lady Gaga.


She is a monster of contemporary music. :adam: And we all know that behind the costumes and makeup there is a rock star of the scene. :gaga:  Who had the fortune to see her live knows what I'm talking about. On stage, she is a true goddess. She can connect with the audience like no other. When you go to see a Madonna concert you go to see an amazing show, but when you go to see a concert of Lady Gaga you see a Rock Star who is there to sing FOR YOU. 

Now I also understand the disappointment of the sales of ARTPOP.  We were all hoping for greater success. But the music? The production is masterful, and her voice is clearer than ever. :staymad:  Would you prefere an album like Prism that sold a few more copies? I do not believe that.  


We love Gaga because she is different from others. And the Jazz is something only her can afford! :oops:  Do you imagine Madonna singing Jazz? Katy? Miley? They do not have the skill. For a great artist like Gaga I am 100% sure that this experience will be very important for her career and not for how many copies C2C will sell, but for her, for Stefani Germanotta and her future as a singer.  


Having a mentor like Tony is a fantastic thing!  


Those who do not understand this importance are indeed childish and a bit selfish.


 Still I would prefer that Gaga wouldn't even thinking about answering such a negative tweet. 


Now me being selfish: "Please Gaga, don't do 2 Jazz album in a row. I love so much your pop music and I really think Heavy Metal Lover is the best POP song ever released in the entire Galaxy. Feed me with your pop in between the two albums!"  :monsterpaw:

"Just because you know my name, doesn't mean you know my game"
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The disrespectful portion was telling her to just forget C2C when it's something that's obviously very meaningful to her in a number of ways, I read it as though the fan doesn't even see the jazz album as an extension of who she is but is simply writing it off and the work behind it all. That is why it was disrespectful to an extent and why Gaga probably replied (on top of likely getting this from a number of other fans). Most fans know that she's done and wishes to move on from ARTPOP in terms of the business side of things due to personal issues, this fan just didn't get it though.

His whole tweet was disrespectful. He wasn't being nice about it like "Aww, I just wish Gaga would make a new pop album. I can't wait!" He pretty much told her to make "real music" and cut the jazz out.

I don't know how anyone could interpret that as honesty, respect or constructive criticism.

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wow Gaga was a little rude, I mean that's his opinion and he wants the Gaga he knows and love. To be honest he must be so sad that she did that just because he wants her to work on a pop album which is what we know Gaga for.


Quite frankly I love gaga to death and she does look a lot happier these days but her attitude tells a much different story. I remember a day not to long ago when gaga would never say anything bad to her fans no matter what. What she said to him was rude and uncalled for. He did not attack her or say anything negative, he just wanted her to work on her new album.


You should work on your body and diet cause you know your not usually so fat and we know you for being more thin...just want you to work on the best fittest you, you can be hun...I'm not attacking you but any response you give back to me and actually acknowledgement you give me will be uncalled for...


Voicing your opinion on twitter is NOT  a one sided conversation  :oops:  ...a thought it one thing to put it out there is another  :reductive: ...she's not a machine people talk sh!t about you you're only going to take it for so long to try and stay humble.


In all seriousness tho I wasn't attacking you or your weight :hug:

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she was touring for the fame monster while she was promoting btw 


classic case of "dont dish it out if u cant take it" lol 


get over it bro. u act rude ppl r gonna b rude back. 


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