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Lady Gaga DRAGS rude user on Twitter for telling her to forget C2C


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So...you arent allowed to have opposing opinions here? You dont agree with what she does and you get warning points? Did she bankroll this site ?


The tony bennet stuff was said after the fact in anger...its not the same. But she does seem to only care about him right now, hes the new donatella.

OF COURSE you're allowed opposing opinions on here... the problem is there are usually FAR TOO MANY of them on this site in particular, amounting to an overall dismal, negative feel throughout the entire forum, people who post nothing but negative remarks, makes the whole forum feel much less enthusiastic and excited for her work. I am SO BORED of this 'you're not allowed to have a different opinion, you have to praise everything she does' what kind of utter BULLSH!T the majority of this forum has 'opposing opinions'  which come off as hurtful, disrespectful and generally nasty to the person they claim to support AKA Lady Gaga.

Because I disagree with a great amount of stuff she does as a person. If you really pay attention, I like the music and clothes... so dont go there. I do not have to agree with what she does as a person when I find it to be hypocritical.



You seem to be under a deluded impression that we require your every thought particularly the negative ones to be materialised into posts by you for everyone to see, i may not like everything she does, but i sure as hell don't broadcast it on the forum, i keep it to myself and move on as its not important for anyone else to know and only creates a bad feeling throughout the forum.

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She said NOTHING bad, she wasn't rude, she just told him to open his mind to different music (which is something a lot of you here should do tbh)... the fan on the other hand told her, her jazz album wasn't worth spending time on and that would pissed off someone that's worked hard on something

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Have you ever thought that maybe the reason there are so many negative views in the fanbase now is her fault...someting shes doing...

Have you ever thought that the reason there are so many negative people on THIS FORUM (Not the fanbase) is because the people who possess such opinions are never happy with anything an the only persons fault it is is their own because nobody is forcing them to be a fan, i firmly believe the negativity by fans on here is nothing to do with gaga, its to do with the mentality of the fans who feel the need to broadcast such negativity with absolutely no reason apart from goading attention.

That is what a forum is for, to broadcast opinions whether it be a pro or con. Last time I checked you don't need to only worship someone to like them.

actually no, this is not what the forum is for, the forum is for fans to communicate with each other, and discuss the person they are a fan of it is not something where over opinionated loud mouthed people voice their constantly negative opinions making other people question why they enjoy the artist in the first place.

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She responded to someone telling her what to do by telling them what to do...its the same thing. You cant blame him and then let her off the hook... 

she responded to a rude comment by telling the person to reflect on themselves... and in fact i will extend the same courtesy to you, because i think you need to do exactly he same thing right now, re-evalu8ate how you communicate through the forum and think to yourself 'do i want to be known as the most negative and over opinionated person on this forum' the answer should be no, and take steps to fix it, because if you notice i never post negative comments because i feel it is disrespectful to the person I'm a fan of, disrespectful to other fans and does nothing but cause drama and drags the fun out of being a fan.

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im sorry but shes turned into a ****... there is no reason to ever respond to a fan like that. this is why i like her music but find her cringeworthy now most times. shes changed so much its hard to believe. this probably crushed this person...


how is he a fan? his retweets are all related to gaga being over :awkney:

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Ive said it at least 30 times. I can be a fan of the music and fashion without caring about her as a person. Why would I be happy about a person being hypocritical...

you can, but that leads to the big question, WHY are you on a forum, if all you're going to do is post negative remarks? you can be a fan of her music and not her without being on a forum posting negative crap that annoys and irritates other members.

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Is she not allowed to defend herself and her work? What the fan said was insulting, she was hurt, so she replied. There's absolutely nothing wrong with that. She didn't call him a name, she didn't say anything remotely rude. I mean, come on.


Some of you are holding Gaga to higher standards than you hold yourself. Why?

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OF COURSE you're allowed opposing opinions on here... the problem is there are usually FAR TOO MANY of them on this site in particular, amounting to an overall dismal, negative feel throughout the entire forum, people who post nothing but negative remarks, makes the whole forum feel much less enthusiastic and excited for her work. I am SO BORED of this 'you're not allowed to have a different opinion, you have to praise everything she does' what kind of utter BULLSH!T the majority of this forum has 'opposing opinions'  which come off as hurtful, disrespectful and generally nasty to the person they claim to support AKA Lady Gaga.



You seem to be under a deluded impression that we require your every thought particularly the negative ones to be materialised into posts by you for everyone to see, i may not like everything she does, but i sure as hell don't broadcast it on the forum, i keep it to myself and move on as its not important for anyone else to know and only creates a bad feeling throughout the forum.



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Listen, you don't own this forum so stop trying to police it. If I want to discuss something, I will. This isnt dubai, I can say what I like.

You're 100% correct!!!!! well done gold star for you!!!!! The thing is, this forum is for FANS who enjoy her work, and want to communicate with others about it, we do no need someone constantly posting negative remarks, if you want to discuss something that you KNOW will do nothing but cause annoyance and irritation of other members, do it on a forum hat IS NOT dedicated to the person you're bashing. This isn't dubai, but it is a forum and the rules have to be obeyed, and as such you cannot say what you like without consequences. that is what the 'report' button is for, and from eh sounds of it i can tell you probably already have quite a few WP's.


I have no interest in seeing any more posts from you bashing an artist whom this forum is dedicated to, you must think 'is it mandatory that i share my vile opinion with these fans that will only cause them annoyance and drag the happiness out of the thread like a leach. the answer should be... NO. but in your head it's probably yes.

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Can we please, for one moment, stop pretending like Gaga isn't human and stop expecting her to be on her hands and knees kissing her fans asses at all times?

She probably replied to that tweet precisely because too many fans have been b---hing non stop. Enough is enough. Move on for a goddamn second. It's common sense. And sense enough of you act like she's literally your exemplary mother, mothers need to instill common since into their children. :derpga:

And considering that person's after tweets, she needs to send him to military school :lolgaga:

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Thank you, it irritates me when i see people getting away with posting nothing but negative remarks then claiming it as 'free speech' on this forum, makes my blood boil, if you're a fan you should be here, if you're simply someone who thinks that every negative idea that comes into you're head about Lady Gaga should be put into a post maybe you should see some kind of mental institution for immediate help.

I enjoy her work, i dont enjoy her being snarky. This post isnt about her work, its about her being snarky... sit down.

*stands up* thats great... still doesn't explain why the majority of posts from you are negative, in most threads you post in. the most striking thing about this to me is you don't enjoy her being snarky but yet you do such a good job of being viciously snarky and rude about her, and to me as well... double standards don't work on the internet.

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So a fan can't want their fave to continue making music in a style that they love? He likes Gaga for her pop, he's entitled to not be interested in jazz. Some people just don't like it, it doesn't mean their closed-minded. I don't think there's a problem with what he said.

He was rude about it and dismissive. Like many GGD members he seems to consider that "constructive" criticism. She just told him to take a break

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Well tbh this is a confusing era. She's touring for ARTPOP but C2C is coming out in like a week and ARTPOP hasn't been mentioned since the G.U.Y. video :koons:

You poor thing. You must've been so traumatized when she was touring for TFM, but promoting BTW. :ohno:

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