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Ariana Grande slammed for being a diva on Australian Promo Tour

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its sad how self-conscious she is. she comes across extremely neurotic in both interviews and performances. her "b---h" attitude is also a big defence mechanism. She always has a b---h face on, idk what she thinks this is but it's not high school and she needs to grow up and get out of that shell or pay dust tbh

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This makes me wonder if Gaga has guidelines set where interviewers can't ask her certain questions. I'm curious now to know who has these kinds of restrictions other than Ariana  :eek: maybe Katy demands no Russel Brand questions, Rihanna demands no Chris Brown questions, etc.


on topic: she still hasn't given me a reason to like her as a person, instead of just her music. I'm still neutral over her as a person and this doesn't change anything

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