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PHOTO: Katy Perry with septum piercing on her TIHWD REMIX cover


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Judas Oyster

I just can't believe this. People have to stop saying "well, it's just a piercing, it's just coincidence"... This isn't coincidence anymore tbh -.-

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I'm sorry, but is there anything she won't copy from Gaga? Seriously it's becoming annoying.

Not sure if ur serious...

If you are well then its just embarassing...

Gaga did NOT invent septums.

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Are Septum piercings invented by Gaga now are you f*cking serious? 


People get them done daily. Hell even I was thinking about getting mine done

I guess I'm copying Gaga then yeah?


Please correct me if I make any grammar mistakes, I want to master English as much as possible.
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My first comment was sarcastic btw y'all needa calm down about Katy copying a septum piercing 

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I don't really care, it doesn't bother me either way, but it does come of as a little strange that she is sporting a septum now... I mean... When was the last time you have seen a pop girl sport a septum piercing?


I remember Rihanna got a septum piercing after Gaga, I mean it's cool that it's becoming trendy I suppose.

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She looks very odd

First she copied the horse, then the hair, now the piercing

Haters gonna need more than a flashlight for my shade
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Wow, The Gaga piercings are selling so well, Gaga invented those rings, right?

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Miranda Sings

You guys are as bad about Katy as Madonna fans are about Gaga. She didn't invent septum piercings. Hell, she barely even wore her's for more than a month.

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