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Gaga is killing her own fantasy


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I agree with this. I can´t relate to anyone who doesn´t let other people in. And she also needed to let people in to get some of her music or more: get attached to it and to her. Also you can´t keep doing interviews for 8 years and just pretending to be someone you´re not. It´s just exhausting.

I have never seen her as happy as she is now and I just want her to be herself and be happy. And all the while she is helping people all over the world to be themselves because her story is one to look up to. If I would have still been in high school while Born this way came out her music would have saved me in a lot of different ways. And that´s what she wants to do, she doesn´t just wants to be Gaga and shocking, that is part of it but she wants to make a difference in people´s lives and in the world and for that you gotta be an actual human being, not a fake character.


She didnt let people in because she was afraid of falling and rightly so. She had been let down so many times that she was just scared... she was genuine back then. She has been vastly different in each album... and that is likely a trend that will continue. 

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That's not fair tho, that's your fault, You gave her too much responsability that she never asked for. Even back in the days she was "just a popstar". Better and more interesting than anyone else? Yes, but still just a popstar.

You can still find a world where you can be as crazy as you want to be or as free as you want to be, you don't need a popstar to do that. 


Whats my fault? I didn't make her responsible for anything. During TF she was just a normal popstar, but with TFM she changed, and thats when i felt really in love with her. She talked all the time how she created everything where she created everything so that "freaks" like us and her would feel safe and so on. 


And ofcourse i have my own world where i can live how i want to be, and she can do whatever she wants to, she can talk all the day about that dog, and about Taylor and how popmusic now sux. I am just saying that she was much more interessting when she was mysterious and i miss that part about her. She was such a fresh wind in the pop culture and she wanted to change everything, to be the rebell (her own words) and many of us would have fought with her, but now not so much anymore.

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She was such a fresh wind in the pop culture and she wanted to change everything, to be the rebell (her own words) and many of us would have fought with her, but now not so much anymore.

She is still that person now, more than ever. Fighting against the boxes that pop stars are supposed to be in and the boxes the label wants her in. Fans seem to want to applaud how she was different then but not allow her the freedom to step out of the boxes that defined her to them. Gaga is rejecting all boxes and should be respected and encouraged for that.

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She is still that person now, more than ever. Fighting against the boxes that pop stars are supposed to be in and the boxes the label wants her in. Fans seem to want to applaud how she was different then but not allow her the freedom to step out of the boxes that defined her to them. Gaga is rejecting all boxes and should be respected and encouraged for that.


What kinda boxes are you talking about? The ones she makes herself? I mean, the moment she started to talk constantly about her music, future project and what to expect, people start to make an image in their had. Like in the case of ARTPOP, many fans expected something totally different than what we got, and only because she talked for 2 years about this project. After she couldn't deliver it, for what reason it doesn't matter, she started to say "f*ck the pop music, i live by my own rules bla bla bla". She made that box by herself, so she shouldn't blame anyone else. 


The same with the interview at SXSW, she said how she has to fight that typical image of a popstar "oh you just want me to be pretty again" etc., then few weeks later we get G.U.Y. Video where she is only playing on that pretty part...


At the end of the day, she can do whatever she wants to, it's her life and she should be happy, that is the most important part in life, and maybe she got bored with her old image and wants this near to the fans kinda artist to be, i don't know. Some will like it, many wont, but she can't please everyone.

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IDK if it's because some of you really know her or met her in the backstage or something but some of you are taking this like a direct attack towards her person :S


I don't think nobody is judging Stefanni here, they're just talking about her career. Some people don't care about her dog, her boyfriend or her personal life and I don't see nothing wrong with it... it's not like some of us are forgetting that she's a person but tbh you don't need to love her to enjoy her music or criticize her career.


And in my honnest opinion I don't belive it was healthy for her getting that close with her fans sometimes, I think the fan opinion affect her too much in the past (and maybe present). We're not ready for having strongs emotional conections with millions of people and suffer the consecuences if they don't like our work, imagine the preasure.

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I get what you mean but you have to remember, people got tired of her facade and of most of the things she did.  She might have changed but she isn't killing anything.  I don't get why you're upset really, I fell in love with her in early 2009, and I totally see what you mean.  But she hasn't really done anything that horrible... If anything, she's living her fantasy.  Before 2008, she was nobody and look at her now, this is exactly what her fantasy was, to become famous.  

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Yeah, I was thinking about this a couple days ago. She's not that misterious and enigmatic like before... I mean, I like that she is more open now, but I liked how she was before...

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I still love her music and her but I loved when back in the days she was enigmatic, and didn´t talk too much about what she was going to do in the future. Nowadays she has already talked about three diferent new albuns (unreleased songs, acoustic album, rock album)this is a bad thing, fans will start creating expectations, an idea of what the album will sound like what the era is going to be and then the album comes out and people are not that impress because they had other expectations.

 That was what happen to me with ARTPOP when I read the text explaining what the era ARTPOP would be like I got so excited.Now I look back and she did two videos this era (what really upsets me),  there is so much good music in this album that deserved to be a single.Let´s not talk about the app because that was just another mess .I think she just gave up on this album, I was also looking for a much more exciting perfomance for the VMAS last year what can I say after Jo Calderone and her perfomance in 09 I was expecting something better.I think she lost the thing that made her different in stage I wasn´t a tiny bit suprise with that perfomance was so basic.

   In the begining of this era in the interviews I felt like she was different(this interview https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UtTbGt0pOkc) , but it was a good different  she was focusing I would say 100% in her art but the mess that this era was I think it just took her out of this such good place.

I still like her despite the fact that she isn't so engaged with this era.

Just my opinion don´t kill me

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She actually changed a lot. Let's face it. She used to say "I'm not real, I'm theater" and whatsoever. Now she's more human, she doesn't put up a show because what we see is who she is... That includes normal stuffs like taylor and asia. Tho I miss the mysterious and regal gaga, it is inevetable for her to evolve, to be opposite of what she used to believe in. Only time will tell if these changes were for better or for worse.

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I understand what you mean but I think she's naturally become like that because the GP don't like her anymore so she's putting her guard down. She still is like this though, like "the soup can" and "and that's what ARTPOP is really all about" but that's just annoying :rip:


I think Gaga needs to definitely be looking to her 2012 outfits. She looked FLAWLESS and if she had an album out then everybody would love her. It was still Gaga, but a bit more classy and she really showed off her beauty. She still wore elaborate costumes but i was high fashion, like the Burqa's and the FAME launch costumes. I think she's started to go back to this with C2C and the new perfume anyway.

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Lobster Boy

I agree to some extent but the reason why all that worked was because it was the start of he career. No one knew no background of her in that first year, now people know her, it's died down a lot. That's basically what happens with a lot of artists, though Rihanna still seems to evolve and keep people talking, I dunno...maybe Gaga will get back to that

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