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Gaga is killing her own fantasy


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That's what ARTPOP is all about, getting to know the girl behind the aura. Looking at the canvas, not the painting.

What did we get to know about her during the Art Pop era, that we didn't already know from the last two eras?

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Everyone in here wanting her to drop Lady Gaga, one of the most recognisable and significant stage names in history. :wtf:Ā 


I don't think she has any issues in this regard, to be honest. Being mysterious and stuff is only interesting for so long before it becomes shallow and tired. Gaga saw this, and decided to open up and break her own rules. She added depth to her 'persona.' I personally don't see anything wrong with that, and I'd rather see her as a genuine person than this mysterious figure with nothing more than 'mystery.'

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Battle 4 Ur Life

to me she sounds like she's getting old too fast. and hanging out with Tony Bennett is only gonna worsen that imo.


Today was very depressingĀ 

"We own the Downtown, hear our sound."
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See, the enigma aspect bothered me because not only did it come off as a transparent affectation, but the music was incredibly radio-safe and, imho, didn't match her persona. I much these days: open-hearted, openly artistic, and edgy, but the latter in a way that feels completely authentic. She has the same passion for music, theatre, fashion, us, but clearly doesn't feel obligated to keep the world at arm's distance anymore.

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That was the most iconic badass b---h interview though :giveup:


I wish she'd get some of that piss and vinegar back sometimes. But people change as they get older. It's silly to ask her to keep up such a lifestyle for the rest of her life. She's a much happier, more content Gaga now. :>

God created Adam and Eve, but Gį»dga collabed with BrianšŸŽŗ and StevešŸŽ·
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See, the enigma aspect bothered me because not only did it come off as a transparent affectation, but the music was incredibly radio-safe and, imho, didn't match her persona. I much these days: open-hearted, openly artistic, and edgy, but the latter in a way that feels completely authentic. She has the same passion for music, theatre, fashion, us, but clearly doesn't feel obligated to keep the world at arm's distance anymore.

ARTPOP is very radio safe though. She even said so herself, "every song was designed to be radio friendly, every song was designed to be a hit". The track lengths and structures are geared to be commercial (ex: Swine intro being removed, Gypsy's auto-tuned chorus). Born This Way literally had two or three songs that were perfect for radio. The rest were too weird lyrically/vocally, or too long, and in 4/5 of the music videos she made herself look as garish and striking as possible.


I don't buy the notion that TF/TFM were so radio safe, because dance music was not en vogue when she made The Fame. It was a huge risk for a quirky girl who wasn't conventionally attractive to try to get her dance songs played on the radio. And after succeeding, she followed those songs up with Bad Romance, which has incredibly weird and explicit lyrics. That was by no means a safe song, and it only succeeded because of how undeniably amazing it is.


ARTPOP is her safest album because instead of pushing boundaries again, she retreated to the formula that made her popular. I don't blame her for doing that after how polarizing BTW was, but it's silly to pretend that G.U.Y. and DWUW don't sound like The Fame outtakes, just with heavier bass. Applause sounds like Just Dance 2.0, spead up to 140 BPM, and she presented that single with her most inoffensive looks yet to the point where she looked like a soccer mom. And she followed that up with the G.U.Y. video where she slimmed down to TFM-era skinniness and tried to look as hot and innofensive as possible again. The era was very safe from the jump.

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I know all the die hard fans may drag this thread but I agree.

I mean many of You treat her little to personally - she is just an entertainer. The main reason why we are all here is her crazy imaginery. I am fan of Lady Gaga who I've known and who has changed my life to some extend.Ā 

If she wants to take opposite direction - fine, but I don't feel moral need to support it. She is a popstar and pop music scene has given her fame, respect and money. I cannot understand why once she sais "i love pop music' and other time she sais '**** you pop music this is ARTPOP". Breaking pop music boundaries is not about trying all the possible genres of music to prove that she is outside of the box.

During TF and TFM era she used to deliver artistic excellence, mix of subgenres and crazy ideas still remaining in the pop music area. Now it is not like it because she kinda leaves pop so how she can change it.

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I get it but to create a lasting relationship with fans she needed to evolve out of that. I feel 0 connection toward her in that video and now I feel a strong one, just sayingĀ 

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"For my first couple of albums, I was excited to establish concepts for each of the records and dress like those concepts for the duration of the album. But for this album, [...] I wanted to show the fans my thought process from day to day. I'm allowing myself to change every single day based on how I'm feeling. I'm hoping the fans will say 'today she feels happy, today she feels sad'"

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You know you could also see if from the other side.Ā 


We probably would have never been "her" little monsters and she would have never been "Mother Monster" if she would have kept her guards up like she did at the start.Ā 

You can't be cool and enigmatic yet welcoming and embracing her fans in the fashion that she has. She basically traded one thing for another and because she is so "friend-like" Ā she was the glue that made fans of her feel like they belonged together like everyone was friends with eachother, something you hear many people say after attending the ArtRave.

Can't have it bothways I think.

So instead of seeing it as something negative try to see it in a positive way. She opened herself to her fans, dares to show her vulnerability like you would expect from a friend and because of that many people have opened themselves to their parents, their school and the world.

I see what you mean, but on the other hand I'd rather expect her to be great artist than friend from stage or computer screen. I hope that she will change her position sometime, because at the end of the day we are here for cool art and music.

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She came out in her "Ziggy Stardust" persona. Ā  Unfortunately it was too successful and that image has trapped her, she's been trying to let it go for years and find herself anew but fans don't want her to.

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not gonna read this depressing post

then dont read it... why do you need to announce it...?

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