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VIDEO: Lady Gaga in 'Sin City - A Dame To Kill For'

Teal Ambition

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The Professor

Expecting her to be one of the badass killers


and she's a waitress :lmao:




so excited tho  :woot:

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I was a huge fan of the first one back almost ten years ago :giveup: can't wait for this one :giveup:


And Gaga, too. Her acting actually looks pretty awesome even from that one second shot :giveup:

3 points in and ready for more
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Visually stunning to say the least. I'm gonna have to brush up and watch the first one again before I go see this :legend:

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One Five Ten

The first movie is one of my FAVOURITES :giveup: I don't care if she's in one scene or not, this film is going to be amazing.

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Sin City > Machete. So stoked for this movie, with or without Gaga. I think we pretty much just saw most of her scene, though. :toofunny:

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Most of the negative comments seem to be coming from people who obviously don't know much about Sin City.


The good part is that people who say those thing don't know anything about the movie :toofloppy:

I am on a group of facebook and everyone who commented on how "****ty" it looked have something in common: they haven't seen the first one :toofunny:

These. :tea:

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The good with Sin City isw that even the samll roles are important and iconic. One of the few movies that every role is interesting.

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lmao at the people saying when she will be in a decent movie :lmao:


What is decent for you? Twilight? :dead:

I think people think this is another Machete Kills mess, but it's not. The first Sin City movie was very much acclaimed. 

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Mary Pain

omg, PERFECT :eek:


This! doesn't she look like a waitress or is it only me ?  :huh:

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This! doesn't she look like a waitress or is it only me ?  :huh:

I think her character is a waitress here (:

Some of them want to abuse you, some of them want be abused.
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