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VIDEO: Lady Gaga in 'Sin City - A Dame To Kill For'

Teal Ambition

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You must be really ignorant if you say that about Sin City.


Most of the negative comments seem to be coming from people who obviously don't know much about Sin City.

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You must be really ignorant if you say that about Sin City.

The good part is that people who say those thing don't know anything about the movie :toofloppy:

I am on a group of facebook and everyone who commented on how "****ty" it looked have something in common: they haven't seen the first one :toofunny:

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Giorno Giovanna

you guys the song is "babes" by icky blossoms. youre welcome! 


thanks mate

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For noobs: Its a comic that's been made for a movie. This is the second one that they're releasing.


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lmao at the people saying when she will be in a decent movie :lmao:


What is decent for you? Twilight? :dead:

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Love to see brats dissing a masterpiece of production and filming skills like SIN CITY.

But I think is normal. A lot of people think Twilight is dope in here.

"Just because you know my name, doesn't mean you know my game"
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