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Israel artRave threatened


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As if Gaga's Israeli fans are at fault.

of course they're not. can't remember saying that, hehe.
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It's really such a shame that such beautiful places are subject to such violence and hate. Hopefully it fizzles out by then. I'd love to visit Israel if it wasn't so religious and dangerous.

*Israel is not a dangerous place to visit :rip:

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This is Ultraviolennnnnceee but in all seriousness I hope everyone will be okay :ohno:



:omg:  :omg:  :omg: I can't believe you said that..


I thought it too...


私自身もこの世の中も誰もかれもが, どんなに華やかな人生でも, どんなに悲惨な人生でも, いつかは変貌し, 破壊され、消滅してしまう. すべてがもともとこの世に存在しない一瞬の幻想なのだから
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Israel is not a dangerous place to visit :rip:

Depending on who you are and what your religion is, it very much can be.

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Depending on who you are and what your religion is, it very much can be.

*No :rip:


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In my opinion it was wrong to schedule a concert in Israel.

If I would be an artist, I would never ever play in a country, which is since an eternity in a "state of war"!

And also no shows in countries, who don't fully support human rights and fundamental freedoms of their citizens.

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Calm down, it would be over by then.

"Fame Is A Boomerang" - Maria Callas
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i probably wouldn't want to visit a country that does things like this


Israel's army gives the families that live there a few warning alerts before they bombing Gaza (Gaza doesn't), and you should watch this:



And I hope that Gaga won't cancel the show, its suppose to be my first show ever.  :(

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Israel's army gives the families that live there a few warning alerts before they bombing Gaza

laugh out loud
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I want her and Lana to cancel the dates. They should tour there when there's peace. I think it would be so wrong to have a show in a place where people are dying and there's a war ongoing.

Israel's army gives the families that live there a few warning alerts before they bombing Gaza (Gaza doesn't), and you should watch this:


Bombing is wrong in both sides. It doesn't matter if there are warnings before :/

Kindness rules all.
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