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TMZ did not air the full DWUW video


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Really hoping the leak gets contained. The public's reaction so far has been anything but flattering :wtf:

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Wait, has the film video leaked? Or just the snippet? People make it seem like the whole thing is online.

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I actually really like what we have of the video, and regardless of what people say about Terry his shots are beautiful regardless of the subject. This could have been some Wrecking Ball sized controversy though, and tbh it probably would have been just what Gaga needed in December

For real tho.  The views this video would have gotten would easily have propelled DWUW into the top 5.  Not saying the long-term impact on Gaga's reputation would be good, but it would have made DWUW a hit.

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Wait, has the film video leaked? Or just the snippet? People make it seem like the whole thing is online.


This is what I'd like to know... :awkney:

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Allison M

Really hoping the leak gets contained. The public's reaction so far has been anything but flattering :wtf:

I agree. I'm not liking or sharing anything on Facebook so that nobody I know will see it.

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Why did Gaga make a video so graphic when she knew there was a possibility of it leaking and damaging her career anyway? Anyway...for her own sake I hope it doesn't leak. If she didn't release it from the get go, i'm sure there's a good enough explanation. Let's just all forget about this video and finally move on with our lives 8 months later. 

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Really hoping the leak gets contained. The public's reaction so far has been anything but flattering :wtf:

I used to care about the public, but she's so much more real and amazing when she just unleashes the things in her head. The public holds her back, and I can't wait for the day when she just gives zero fücks and creates without bounds :gaga:

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Why did Gaga make a video so graphic when she knew there was a possibility of it leaking and damaging her career anyway? Anyway...for her own sake I hope it doesn't leak. If she didn't release it from the get go, i'm sure there's a good enough explanation. Let's just all forget about this video and finally move on with our lives 8 months later.

her career is fine, she's on a multi million dollar tour...

The drama queens on this forym

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Gaga is going to have to face the consequences. I mean really, did she only think at the very end of filming and editing that she didnt like it? Did it not dawn on her at any point during the concept formation of the video that it might not go down well? 


Just to make matters worse it was just swept under the rug and hopefully forgotten, which only fueled the whole R. Kelly controversy. Im sorry but i cant defend Gaga this time around, especially when i dont even know what im supposed to be defending her for. 

You sound ridiculous.  Gaga has to face the consequences for an unreleased project that she tried to make sure never saw the light of day?  Sometimes you can't see how something looks until you step back and examine the finished product.  The video concepts of her writhing around in the newspaper dress of negative articles, or of people messing with her body while she's unconscious on an operating table are actually really interesting and fit great with the song's message.  Maybe in the conceptual and filming stage they seemed great, but when Gaga sat down to edit the video she saw how bad some of it looked.


You should be giving Gaga major props for having the good judgement and strength of character to shelve the video even though she knew how much money it cost and how much the single needed it for charting purposes.  At the end of the day, Gaga made the tough call where it counts, and if you can't see that...well, I'll stop right there or I'll probably get a warning point.

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Illuminati Freak

So much for dying for your art. GaGa is too laid back now and a *** when it comes to releasing stuff to push boundaries. To me she just doesn't walk the walk anymore and does too much talking and promises she doesn't end up fulfilling. The video should have been released back in December. This is one of the many things that have me wanting to turn in my fan card I just don't get her anymore. Madonna wouldn't have flaked out she would have thrived on the controversy. GaGa gets too scared of what people think. I mean if she shot it and it was so racy why even shoot such a video to begin with? She knew the repercussions so own it! 

Edited by Illuminati Freak
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Inb4 they start using that gif for a p*rn ad.

In regards to the updated op, of course they are going to talk ****. It's all for clicks to their site and to keep the hate gaga train going. I didn't expect anything less tbh.

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