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"Applause" concept demo leaks


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Thank you guys for explaining to me what was happening. At first i thought it was a troll thing. 
Anyways now that I understand, her process I guess, I think its really cool that she already had the iconic chorus written before everything else. 

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Paper Gangsta

wow its so diferent. :legend:



Deleted. Can you reupload?

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obviously this is just her trying out different melodies with gibberish lyrics over the music


however, i LOVE the 80's Cyndi Lauper way of singing she does on the verses and the breakdown in the end. I wish they kept that, it would make Applause less monotonous. 

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It's so cool to hear an early concept for a song. Her creative process is so interesting. This sounds like the creative "vomit" that she says she initially has (and later tries to honor) when creating something.

Other than the recordings she played from her phone on Howard Stern I think this is the roughest demo we've ever heard from her and I love it. :legend:


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wtf is going on -_-

i cant believe all the demoes are better than the official ones -_-


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She sounds like my mum trying to sing in english :toofunny:

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Well now we know why Applause barely made the cut at first...




It was crap... :miley:

thanks God someone had a better vision than you and gave us the biggest hit of the era :miley:

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That breakdown would have made it a freakin #1 hit. Ughhhhh why would they remove that!

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i liked this version...why didnt she keep it....gaga never keeps her old versions.. Demos>>>> Studio


No :toofloppy:

But I like to see the early stages of songs and how they evolve.

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So she made that pre-chorus hook first. Not bad not bad. I love how she always start with hooks then only create the verses and chorus.

Like she recorded the 'juda juda a as' part before creating the whole song..

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