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DL: Brooklyn Nights Instrumental LOSSLESS!

Kim Kardashian

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It was recorded in 2013. Written in 2011.

Final version is fake. Filtered acapella with stupid effects added to it placed over the original song.

Lol. It's not leaking anytime soon

kk hun :toofunny:

How do you know it was recorded in 2013?

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The amount of lies in this thread....


I think that we could be fine.

How do you know it was recorded in 2013?

It's true.

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The amount of lies in this thread....


I think that we could be fine.

It's true.

The stems will not leak soon. Those snippets came from 1 person that were scammed off of him.

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The stems will not leak soon. Those snippets came from 1 person that were scammed off of him.

I'm not talking about this soundcloud person by the way ;)

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Tove Lo







hop on that **** like a maniac
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its this new thing called a joke


and girl, you stay safe with all the others and the numerous unleaked material you own

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Tove Lo

its this new thing called a joke


and girl, you stay safe with all the others and the numerous unleaked material you own

No its just that gif, I see too many from that show. :sweat:

I never said I owned anything, I just know some things. :p

hop on that **** like a maniac
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I never said I owned anything, I just know some things. :P





deal with quen bianca del risus 

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