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Gaga is flustered/tired in the latest show!


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She just had a day off. She even tweeted she had been in bed all day. She should've been well rested and full of energy. I guess the bad reviews, bad press etc...have gotten to her. You're right she's human, she's got feelings. I'm sure she's hurt and depressed, since ARTPOP didn't go as planned ....we love you Gaga


You sound like a troll LOL. 


She's probably tired or had a bad day. No offense to anyone but she IS a human and she goes through good days and bad days. How do we know she's not going through her monthly. She is a woman as well. 

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Hold on here, she does Bikram Yoga, now by your comment I can tell you have no clue what it is or how intense it is.

Bikram Yoga is not “very lightâ€, waving your arms from side to side or any other silly idea that you might have.  It’s what keeps her muscles supple and allows her to stay flexible.


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I can't imagine how tiring it must be to be her tbh. I mean, even Tegan & Sara, one of my favourite bands, say how tired they are after shows even though she just play guitar, sing, just move to the music, wear comfortable clothing (usually just jeans and doc martens with a nice shirt) and they always say how exhasuted they are after a tour. And if that is exhausting, imagine how exhausting it must be for Gaga. I have noticed her dance moves haven't been so precise and on point, but she is still dancing and creating a great show.


Basically I can't judge her for a second because I have no idea how it would feel to perform in a tour.

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She just had a day off yesterday lol?

She had a show in Calgary yesterday

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Future Lover

Obviously she's not as energetic. She's been doing this nonstop for the past 6 years until her hip broke. You should be grateful she's even putting a little effort into it. She could be like Britney and awkwardly flop around. 


(It also doesn't help that she doesn't rest properly before shows. Travelling to the city the day of the show doesn't help)

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We should be grateful that Gaga is going back on tour (she could've taken a longer break or just not dance at all for this tour). I'm just glad to finally see her touring again.

I Only Stan For Risk Takers
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Allison M

No offense to Gaga, but you can tell by her flabby body.

Madonna's muscles might a bit too much (or at least they were), but the fact that she works out 3 hours a day makes her dance moves seem "sharp" and on point.

Britney Spears had the same problem. When she stopped working out like a pro, her body lost it's flexibility and her moves looked awkward.


Just stop :fail:

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I can't imagine how tiring it must be to be her tbh. I mean, even Tegan & Sara, one of my favourite bands, say how tired they are after shows even though she just play guitar, sing, just move to the music, wear comfortable clothing (usually just jeans and doc martens with a nice shirt) and they always say how exhasuted they are after a tour. And if that is exhausting, imagine how exhausting it must be for Gaga. I have noticed her dance moves haven't been so precise and on point, but she is still dancing and creating a great show.


Basically I can't judge her for a second because I have no idea how it would feel to perform in a tour.



Yeah not only are they doing that at night but they also don't get much rest after the show not to mention meeting fans and rehearsing during the day for soundcheck. It's exhausting also with the amount of travel you have to do.

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Yeah not only are they doing that at night but they also don't get much rest after the show not to mention meeting fans and rehearsing during the day for soundcheck. It's exhausting also with the amount of travel you have to do.

Exactly! Not to mention being pressured to make new music, and trying to maintain a regular life and social life as well.

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My Little Phoney

1) I see the same Gaga slayage as usual

2) Performing is extremely exhausting (I'm an actor, each dancer/singer/actor/performer will agree with me) and Gaga's shows are INSANE to do

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I think you guys are looking way too much into it and possibly looking for bad things that aren't there then finding anything to confirm that. I was at the Winnipeg show and I was actually surprised by how on and energetic she was. So she missed a few moves, I hadn't seen any videos prior to the show so I didn't notice anything. I'm not sure what the energy was "supposed" to be during any song but the whole arena was energetic and cheering the whole time and over half the crowd was standing and dancing throughout the show. I was standing a few feet from Gaga I don't recall her looking "tired" and being close to enough to see the texture of her make-up I'm sure I'd be able to see if she was exhausted or out passing as some drama queens are claiming here(really she was NZ tired? Almost blacking out onstage from dehydration?)

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