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artRAVE doesn't match ARTPOP.


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Born To Slay

Personally I think Gaga does a great job of bringing the album to life. Her performances do match ARTPOP.

What was the storyline of the TMB and the BTWB exactly?

TMB: they were trying to find there way to the Monster Ball

BTWB: Gaga was an alien that had to fight GOAT

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Have you been to the show. The interlude things that play through the songs plus the lighting makes it definitely a piece of art visually :yes:

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This really does go back to the whole "ARTPOP doesn't have a theme so it's disappointing" argument.

People who say this are so stuck in the box that Gaga has made for the past 5 years that they can't even appreciate something that deviates from it.

ARTPOP was not a conceptual album. She said it herself. It was more of a stream of consciousness piece. She has described it MULTIPLE times as rage. ARTPOP changes as she delves further into it and it makes sense when you think of it that way.

But no. Y'all just want fit this album and tour into a neat little box like TFM, so you can feel comfortable.

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I still love the tour though :legend: It's such a f***ing party  :rockstar:  :rockstar:

British social ladies with upturned pinkies, glasses clinking // xoxoTEANUS
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So many people lying to themselves. Tragic!

I haven't been to the artrave yet, but I'm not gonna lie, it seems a little flat in comparison to the other tours. I really wish Gaga would incorporate some kind of narrative or more theatrical aspects. I don't need to be dancing for an hour and forty five minutes straight! I don't really want a non stop rave -- since when have any of Gaga's albums been like that?

I actually feel like this is really out of character for Gaga. I don't think this tour matches the album strongly, because (and I think it's a valid point) where's the art? The music is pop, through and through, so where does Gaga bring artistic merit into the equation?

All that said, I'm going, and I'm excited to see her, but I'm kind of hoping she'll change it up a bit by the time she comes to Australia (the forgotten land)

It's not a rave for an hour and 45mins. BTW is in the middle and she stops and talks before Sexxx Dreams too. It is "broken up" so to speak.

Have you been to the show. The interlude things that play through the songs plus the lighting makes it definitely a piece of art visually :yes:

That's true too. I hadn't really thought about that.

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I'm going to say this: I don't think artRave matches what she wanted ARTPOP to be about, but I think that artRave matches the music perfectly. Does that make any sense? I don't think the music was ever the correct vehicle for the artistic message she was attempting to put forward. To me, it was like trying to pin broccoli on a cat. They just didn't go together! The art she wanted to do and the music she made didn't go together. The artRave and the music go together so well. So yeah, I wish we could've seen more of a classical art theme, but I think the tour aesthetic is perfect for the music, and I'm happy with that. I do wish that there was a storyline though. I always loved that.

VERY well said. although i do wish the outfits were consistently better. the only ones i really like are the tentacles/rave outfit. what happened to kansai yamamoto designing the costumes??? she said that back in like november, there was palenty of time to execute that tbh. but honestly im going in a week or so, i know ill love it regardless. but the op is right, i do wish the inventions where utilized for sure. 

This really does go back to the whole "ARTPOP doesn't have a theme so it's disappointing" argument.

People who say this are so stuck in the box that Gaga has made for the past 5 years that they can't even appreciate something that deviates from it.

ARTPOP was not a conceptual album. She said it herself. It was more of a stream of consciousness piece. She has described it MULTIPLE times as rage. ARTPOP changes as she delves further into it and it makes sense when you think of it that way.

But no. Y'all just want fit this album and tour into a neat little box like TFM, so you can feel comfortable.

that narrative is a totally opposite group of fans than those who wanted the artrave/ARTPOP era to be more conceptualized. its just that the lack of theatricality/concept, the creative spark that gaga deems to love so much, shows a lack of ideas as opposed to a "different" idea. its the illusion that she's going somewhere different creatively without actually doing so. 

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Unlike all her previous tours, there is no storyline. That is what separated Gaga from the rest of the pop stars. She doesn't showcase any of the inventions.. etc

I think that Gaga restricted herself a lot by making the theme of this tour into a rave. By doing that she wasn't able to put in certain songs and include a strong storyline.

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Ladle Ghoulash

I don't think there was ever a concrete concept or theme to ARTPOP. The themes to me have been change, love, partying, s-x, and loving your passion, and I believe that all of those things are represented quite well in the show.

But to this day, people remain unsatisfied with the ARTPOP era because there was no central theme, but that's the way it's supposed to be. There's nothing concrete about ARTPOP because it's all about the possibilities, it could be anything, etc. She's told us that from the beginning. The only central message is spreading love, which is a constant message through her albums simply because that's who she as a person always promotes and stands by.

In short, there was no central concept or message of ARTPOP besides that and the tour remains true to that. She's done what she wanted and created what she wanted over the course of this whole era no matter what anyone else said. She created the tour exactly how she wanted to, and it's now her piece of art to show to the world. Bam. ARTPOP.

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VERY well said. although i do wish the outfits were consistently better. the only ones i really like are the tentacles/rave outfit. what happened to kansai yamamoto designing the costumes??? she said that back in like november, there was palenty of time to execute that tbh. but honestly im going in a week or so, i know ill love it regardless. but the op is right, i do wish the inventions where utilized for sure.

that narrative is a totally opposite group of fans than those who wanted the artrave/ARTPOP era to be more conceptualized. its just that the lack of theatricality/concept, the creative spark that gaga deems to love so much, shows a lack of ideas as opposed to a "different" idea. its the illusion that she's going somewhere different creatively without actually doing so.

I don't care if it's the same batch of people who are saying the two things, the dialogue is still out there and it's still totally misguided.

I mean, I don't get where you get off knowing what is creative and what's not. It's not progressive because it doesn't have a storyline or theatrics and concepts that fall in a chronological succession, so to speak?

Because the way she treated ARTPOP, as a project, IS creatively different from what she's done before. She has never before started a project without a thesis statement. It's stream of consciousness. It's an exploration. It's a reverse of what she normally does. She altered the design development stage and continued it beyond the "album release date." Could ARTPOP be this? Could it be that? Let's try it. Does it not work? Let's try this. It's the opposite of what artists normally do. BTW and TFM had to fit the message. This time, ARTPOP as a project, had to fit the songs. And she found it with the tour. It may not be everyone's liking but that doesn't make it less creative. And I'm not talking about trivialities such as the outfits are uninspired or the tour lacks ~iconic moments~~

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Lil bit agree. Where's cypher dress and volantis :giveup:

BUT I do love the concept. It's RAVE!

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Whoever said that the tour matches the music well (but maybe not ARTPOP's main inferred themes) makes a really good point.


I personally interpreted ARTPOP in a manner different than what was conveyed by the tour- duality as a metaphor representing Gaga's internal stream of consciousness non-linear narrative (as fasing said), versus an all-out rave tour focusing on collective unity as a metaphor for dual forces belonging together.


It's not that I mind the tour at all- it looks incredibly fun, and amazing, and highly enjoyable, and I'm really excited to attend! It's just that I'm used to Gaga with work with an intention for intense interpretation (particularly TFM/BTW/BTWB's themes and imagery, Applause as a whole, initial descriptions of ARTPOP), and it's such a thematic whiplash to go from heavily artistic and metaphor heavy to minimalistic and party-themed.

3 points in and ready for more
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