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Reminder: Lady Gaga nominated for 3 Billboard Music Awards

Lion Heart

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MAYBE she will win 1 award.... Nothing more, she's not there..

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Silver Keith

Good for an avant-garde perfume-touring act that supports LGTB rights EmzUw.gif



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Rolodex of Hate

tumblr_mxjzsoQbPJ1ql5yr7o2_250.gif tumblr_mxjzsoQbPJ1ql5yr7o1_r2_250.gif

Please, let this happen

In a green wig and a mechanical horse  :messga:

We have no legal choice but to stan
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Daft Punk is in there, nobody is safe.


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Lion Heart

How do they even decide who wins these? Who charted highest? Who they like more?

According to their site: the Billboard Music Awards finalists are based on United States year-end chart performance according to Nielsen data for sales, number of downloads and total airplay.

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According to their site: the Billboard Music Awards finalists are based on United States year-end chart performance according to Nielsen data for sales, number of downloads and total airplay.

Oh ok. Then shouldn't we theoretically be able to determine who's going to win? Or has Nielsen not released that information yet?

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If it wasn't for Daft Punk she could win 1-2 of them but now I don't think she will win any.

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I would really like for her to win at least one of these, but she's got tough competition for the categories she's in.

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Dr Rogoe

If the awards are based on Chart and Sales than her chance are very slim :messga:

Sad though

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