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E3 2014 Discussion Thread


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Not long to go now. Less than 12 hours before the first event. :giveup:


Pretty much everything aside from the Sony event will be broadcast overnight for me so I might just get my beauty sleep and catch up in the morning. 

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I hope Sony doesn't like, abandon the PS Vita. I'm getting one as a birthday gift in a couple of weeks, and it looks like such a great little system that's been horribly underused so far. The remote play feature is great, but the lack of games is pretty bad.

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When does Nintendo start?

Tomorrow at 12:00 PM EST :)

By the way post all updates here with links so I can add things to OP :classy:

Take a moment to think of just flexibility, love, and trust~
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Microsoft did good, 9/10 conference

Could you provide some details for the OP? :music:

Take a moment to think of just flexibility, love, and trust~
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Tomb Raider Sequel announced,


Crystal Dynamics has announced Rise of the Tomb Raider, coming Holiday 2015. A trailer shown during Microsoft's E3 Press Conference featured a visibly distressed Lara undergoing therapy after the events of 2012's Tomb Raider. Croft is also seen sneaking through enormous caves, once again killing enemies quietly with here bow.


Source: IGN



The Division on Xbox One will get exclusive content first









Halo Master Chief Collection will be on Xbox One this holiday, Halo 1, 2 ,3, and 4 all remade in HD including the over 100 multiplayer maps fully playable on their original engines with dedicated servers.




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There were a few very interesting games. Overrall a decent conference. :golfclap:


Dat moment when Conker appeared during the Project Spark trailer. :nooo:  :nooo:  :nooo: They're probably working on a new Conker then!


If not then f*** you Xbox. :crossed: 

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The next Resident Evil title :gaga:

Lady Gaga/ Madonna/Lana /Azealia Banks/ Jazmine Sullivan/ DEEE-LITE/ Moko
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It's funny how the Nintendo Direct is the one thing that I'm looking forward to the most. :dies:

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