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Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th
Harlequin - OUT SEPTEMBER 27th

My ArtRave experience


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Ok, so like the other poster said, this was my first Gaga concert as well. It was also my first concert period and it was AMAZING. So my story starts back in December when I bought GA tickets and I planned to go with two friends who also got tickets. Well about a month ago I found out that they had bought LMZ tickets while I only bought regular GA tix which kinda irritated me. But then a week before the concert, I got a call from my friend saying that our third friend couldn't go anymore because she was sick and that I could use her ticket since he was the one that bought it for her. So at this point I'm freaking out. I stay at his place the night before the show and we decide to go shopping to see of we can make something to wear really quickly. I spent all night decorating a plain white tee, and even though it looked really cheap and rushed, I was happy to have something ArtRave themed to wear. The next day we drove the 3 ish hours to Atlanta and got in line at around 1:15. We got to the LMZ line and there was only about 30-ish people in front of us. We spent the few hours waiting getting to know the guy and girl behind us and taking turns going into the CNN center to get food and restroom and what not. There was a lot of people dressed up, I especially liked this one girl who had a retweet costume. At about 5 they finally started letting us in, and once in they made us line up in twos and offered us the bathroom but only one at a time. While we were inside waiting to go to the arena floor, we could hear her doing sound check and all that stuff and we sang along to what we could make out. Finally at 6:10 they let us in and me made my friend made straight for the main stage, all of the little islands throughout the GA floor and the catwalks got us crazy excited. Me and my friend ended up at the very very front just a little to the left of the center if you were looking at the stage.



Ok, the supporting acts right around 7:30 so things were on time. Hatsune was really cool though I can see why she wasn't everyone's cup of tea. Her music was bopping though and was good at getting majority of the crowd excited, it was bombastic and coursed through you like it was part of you.


Stralight was... Starlight. For almost an hour she played the exact same beat and walked around in a circle.



Ok, once the stage was revealed and started lighting up, everyone was freaking out. There was a TON of people both in seats and standing. When she rose out of the ground with her winged costume and started singing ARTPOP, the cheers grew even more intense. There were all kinds of people in the crowd, from kids to teens to adults, all ready to have a good time. She made it through the first few songs perfectly, ARTPOP, GUY, and Donatella were so exciting and an absolute party with all the lights and the dancing and her ON POINT vocals. Sadly near the end of Donatella/beginning of Fashion!, someone a little bit away from me and my friend started having a seizure and the guards had to climb over the rail and take him away, I felt really really bad for him. :/ For Fashion! though, her dancers were wearing these really cool black and white cutout/caricatures of French looking outfits. As my friend described them, the whole thing was "very Picasso." Then she moved on to the next section of the show with Venus and the seashell bikini outfit. For this tour, she's basically going straight from song to song with nothing in-between on most of them. Watching all of the fans throw up the V arms during Venus was so much fun. She ran through MANiCURE and Cake Like Lady Gaga with great precision and like I'll probably say a lot, wonderful vocals. I used CLLG as a resting point as I was sweaty from dancing and screaming/singing while she used it to change. There was a little bit of a lull as she ran through her obligatory older stuff, JD/PF/Telephone, but the energy was still extremely high from the audience and she did them like a champ (though I wish she could have done more of telephone.) Then they played PartyNauseous as she changed and she came back to do the last little bit of it. By the way, PN is amazing live, that shiz HAS to be released. The tentacle outfit is really terrific up close and fit well with the punk/inflatable/aqua rave **** (used in a good way) her dancers were covered in. Paparazzi was good, and so was DWUW, the instrumental for the latter worked really well in the arena and the monster claw was gorgeous to see. Finally with DWUW she brought up a fan to sit with her and she made the comment that sometimes all you had to do was just ask. I knew he was excited, but about half BTW while she was singing her heart out and looking at him, he was just taking pictures and recording which while I understand, I thought was kind of rude, I mean after a few pics and a bit of recording you should be satiated. She must have thought so too cause she stopped the show to do what she said would "culturally controversial" and took his phone, turned it off and jokingly slipped it in his shirt. As for the song though, BTW was probably one of my favorite parts. Her voice was so strong and she made such a connection with the audience that you could just genuinely feel how much she truly does care about us and about what that song means and what it stood for. I teared up a little. Now came the JND interlude as she went to change. The interlude and backdrop was INSANE with Gaga in that creepy mask and acting crazy along with the music, definitely another of my favorite things of the night. Ruth, you're a genius. She came back with the leather and green hair outfit and blasted off into Aura which only made the crowd go wild. After that, she laid out on this sort of makeshift bed which was when fans started throwing things. She only talked about one gift which was the unicorn with the fan note thrown by the person directly behind who then got backstage passes for him and his friend because of it. They started freaking out and I was so so so so so happy for them. Even the security guy in front of us came up and gave him a high five. Then she moved on to Sexxx Dreams which was one of my most anticipated and she did not disappoint. Then Mary Jane Holland was played and she did the routine DIRECTLY in front of where I was onstage. She even waved at me and my friend! :wub: She told people in the crown to light it up as the weed leaf confetti came over us and the GA started smelling of weed smoke. :P I was really looking forward to the moment in MJH where the track says "ladies and gentleman, introducing MJH" and then it does the crowd cheers, but it seemed like no one purposefully cheered along with the track except for me and my friend. :rip: Then it was time for Alejandro which is one of my favorite Gaga songs so I was excited as hell. As it ended, Ratchet began and she talked about all the dirty things she had to when she started getting famous and wanted to bring some of that same naughtiness back tonight. That's when she started changing on stage, and from my angle I saw boob. :rip: The candy/vomit/rave girl look is so much better up close and I already knew I loved it even from the pics. Bad Romance and it's original choreography was amazing to see and sing along with. Then she talked about how she wrote Applause to always make the endings of her shows more fun, and the song brought the house down. It was really crazy to see people doing the ARTPOP hand motions (if they had room) at the end of the song (the backdrop for this song was really cool to watch by the way.) She then talked about that if we hadn't let go of absolutely everything yet, that this was the moment to do it and just wash away all your past troubles. The beat of Swine drowned the arena like an ocean. Her dancers brought out these stands that had several canvases on the, dipped in paint. Speaking of her dancers, they were all wearing giant silver pig heads with paint rushing out of the noses, insane! They started throwing the painted denim canvases to the crowd but I wasn't able to get one even though a couple around me did. Gaga had the last one and she was on the little appendage that jutted away from the main stage, swinging it around to hype up the crowd. I thought there was no way it was coming in my direction but when she finally let go it did! Even though several others grabbed it, I knew the second I had a good grip on it that it was going to be mine and eventually it was. :creepflop: She then did the obligatory bows and left, before coming back in the beautiful silver outfit for the Gypsy encore. When she walked out, we all held up signs that were passed out while waiting in line and she saw them and read them and said how much she loves them and us. Once the beat kicked in, the crown gave the song all they had before she disappeared into the stage from where it all started. It was a truly incredible night.



-The lighting was amazing

-Everything was energy, energy, energy.

-Make sure you glance at the backdrop for every song, there is always something interesting on it and I regret not watching it for longer at times.

-Vocals were perfect all night along

-Was really pleased at how into the show the crowd was all throughout, made it that much more fun.

-Hard to pick favorite songs of the night because they were all equally fun to watch and sing/dance to.

-Stage, while not adding much, was a very nice visual, especially when all lit up.



This show was the absolute definition of PartyGa. If you're going with the intention to just dance and have the time of your life and go crazy, you will not in anyway be disappointed.


PHOTOS: (At least the few I could take)
















Take a moment to think of just flexibility, love, and trust~
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great review!!!!!! i'm glad you had a good time!

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Hot Space

Are you against paragraphs or something? :giggle:


lolol, I'm just kidding tho. I'm glad you had a great time and that you were able to go to the lmz zone! Concerts are the best. :flutter:

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Thank you for your wonderful review ! I really can`t wait for october to experiance all of that myself  :excited2:

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Im So happy for you! I'll be making one of these after tomorrow night :excited:

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poor guy with the seizure :ohno:


Reminds me of the woman who fainted at my second Monster Ball during You and I.


"And this time I'm not leaving..."


*Sees unconscious woman being carried out.*


"... but she's leaving. Bye bye!"

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Take a moment to think of just flexibility, love, and trust~
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Take a moment to think of just flexibility, love, and trust~
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Everyone's photos in this tour are amazing

Mine weren't. I was too busy shaking and freaking out and my phone was less than 20% battery before the opening acts even started. :giveup:

Take a moment to think of just flexibility, love, and trust~
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