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Gaga's ARTPOP & Rihanna's Rated R


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Rihanna was beat in February of 2009 and she released Rated R in November of 2009.

Gaga broke her hip in February of 2013 and she released ARTPOP in November of 2013.




ā€œThe scars on my mind are on Replayā€
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I kind of see it. You should include Dope #10 though. I feel like some of those Rated R songs probably charted similarly to Dope because I have never heard of them. lolĀ 

I think that's what happened with Wait Your Turn. But Russian Roulette and Hard were official singles!

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I see what you're saying. Musically and artistically, Gaga has blown me away this era, and things can only get more exciting from here.

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I think Rihanna's Rated R and Beyonce's 4 are great examples that one not-amazingly-successful album doesn't mean it's the end for the artist :yes: Gaga's got more albums and songs coming in the future, and they all have their own chance at being super successful :party:

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so that means her next single will go number 1 :gaga:Ā ... ? lol #GYPSY!!!

We can hope! Even if it doesn't go #1, I think it can still be really successful regardless of where G.U.Y. is!


I think Rihanna's Rated R and Beyonce's 4 are great examples that one not-amazingly-successful album doesn't mean it's the end for the artist :yes: Gaga's got more albums and songs coming in the future, and they all have their own chance at being super successful :party:

I forgot about 4!! And **** look at her album now :deadbanana:

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Dr Rogoe

Rihanna was beat in February of 2009 and she released Rated R in November of 2009.

Gaga broke her hip in February of 2013 and she released ARTPOP in November of 2013.



Reductive again I see :reductive:

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Since when do people consider ARTPOP her best album? It's quite the unpopular opinion, if you ask me.

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Did my comment in that thread inspire this? :emma:


Yes! I tried to quote you and respond, but the thread closed before I could. :emma:

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Just goes to prove that artists are at their best when they come from a raw and darker perspective in their music...:oops:

Stream my new single, šŸ’œ"Heartbeat"šŸ’œ, on Spotify!
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Rated R was such a great album. I remember when Russian Roulette dropped... it was totally different from what Rih had done and It fit her situation at the time so well. It was dark and s-xy and interesting. That's when I truly became a fan.


But her next single will be #1? Let's hope this isĀ her Rated R.Ā  :excited2:

Looks like they have to release Sex Dreams this coming Summer.Ā  :teehee:

Rated R was the first album I ever boughtĀ  :legend:

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Rated R is Rihanna's 4th album too


i was talking about ARTPOP in general. I don't think its fair to compare rihanna to gaga,simply because the reason why ARTPOP "didnt" do well is not the same reason Rated R "didnt" do well. ARTPOP didnt do well because of the GPs thoughts on Gaga, not because of the music, however Rated R was a very different sound for Rihanna and maybe ppl didnt really like it. People were actually rooting for rihanna at the time the record was released.

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Since when do people consider ARTPOP her best album? It's quite the unpopular opinion, if you ask me.

That's based on the people here. I know it's not everyone's opinion, but it's definitely far from an unpopular opinion. If ARTPOP is considered by the majority of people here to be her best album, then a lot of people in the fan base probably consider it her best too. But like I said, even in Rihanna's fan base, a lot of people say Loud is her best, or GGGB. Opinions vary.



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Electric Venus

rated r is the only rihanna i like so its a shame it under performed. one big difference though is a lot of people just wouldn't give gaga a chance because of her name alone, whereas rihanna and beyonce have never had the same kind of hate from the gp that gaga gets :shrug:

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