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Lady Gaga celebrates court ruling on Marriage Equality


Lady Gaga celebrates court ruling on Marriage Equality

Congratulations, America — marriage equality is now the law of the land across the country! On Friday, the Supreme Court ruled that gay and lesbian couples have the right to marry anywhere in the United States.

Lady Gaga, who has long been an advocate for gay rights, took to her Twitter account shortly after the announcement, saying: "I have traveled the world watching the younger and older generation come together and fight. I feel privileged to have witnessed the LGBT community and supporters shift public consciousness."

She continued: "You never gave up no matter how much shame and fear. How much pain. Time to celebrate and heal. I'm in such awe of you."

Lady Gaga has been a long-time supporter of marriage equality. "Gay marriage is going to happen. It must," Gaga said back in 2012 in response to Pope Benedict's anti-gay comments. "We are not actually equal if we are not allowed to freely love one another. What the Pope thinks of being gay does not matter to the world. It matters to the people who like the Pope and follow the Pope. It is not a reflection of all religious people."

Monsters, how happy are you about the news? Let us know in the comments!

Related: 10 most powerful things Lady Gaga said about equality

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