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Tutorial: ~Signature Making~


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1. Take out the Model stock and resize it to bigger and Duplicate it again and resize it to small but it should fit the height...

2. set eraser tool opacity to 40%. Erase the left side of smaller one and it should look like it blends. Flattent he image

3. Take the Stock #2 and Stock #3 and place it anywhere you want... And set it to lighten with 55% opacity... you can add more...

4. The next thing is to add the coloring which is done by me... And then Flatten the image.

5. Sharpen the flatten image with the help of Filters>Sharpen>Sharpen


6.If you like to add font, the thick font is preferable like Bebas Nevas or Stencil

You are ready :D

Please post your results here. I would love to see it...


Gaga - gagaimages

Red cross- Me

Colorings- Me

Bubble- Google

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Nice! Thank you very much! I will try it soon!

Please do, This thread is flopping harder than Xtina's career... :giveup:

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Please do, This thread is flopping harder than Xtina's career...

Sounds like my graphic thread ;)

Never be afraid to dream... believe in them!
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Highway Capricorn

You could at least reduce the coloring just like my signature :D

I accidentally used 2 colorings instead of 1, I was trying to see which will look better and forgot to remove one of them :flop:
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