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Big Brother: Power Trip (UK/Series 15)


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Jale to win tbh


This. I loved how in tonight's show she basically told Toya to gtfo when she was b---hing about Christopher and that she'll form her own opinion.


Toya: "I'd say this to his face! ...tomorrow" FOH. Weak ****.

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YES JALE!!!!!!! I'm so happy for her :heart: I knew it would be either Danielle or Tamara who would leave.


It's hard to predict now because on one hand I think that the public will vote to evict Danielle because she has been argumentative and some of her views people find offensive, but on the other hand people who want to keep Danielle because she's entertaining will vote for Tamara to be evicted. And Tamara has been boring, and this pathetic attempt at a showmance with Winston to try and save herself from evicition is painfully obvious.


ALSO, I'm so glad that Pauline got booed to ****. She is such a b---h, I can't stand her. And to think that I actually really liked her on launch night, my god. Just shows that first impressions can be deciving. Pauline was such a bully to Jale in tonight's episode. Team Jale all the way!!!!!

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SO ****ing happy that the crowd were chanting to get Pauline out. Hopefully that'll wipe that constant smug look from her face :sick:


Jale is my fave :wub:


DELIGHTED that Danielle didn't go. Helen's little lapdog won't be missed

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Glad Jale was saved, I feel really sorry for her since she's being picked on and she hasn't done anything wrong ffs.

I didn't care for Tamara, however I would have preferred it if she had stayed and Danielle was evicted, because I can't stand Danielle.

So glad Chris nominated Pauline, I knew he would.. Hopefully she's evicted next week.


I don't think Helen should be ejected over her comments towards Danielle in that row, however she should have received a warning over the "jesus shagging" comment, since it was extremely offensive.

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I'm absolutely loving this series. What an amazing first week it's been, handbags at dawn!

I'm team Jale all the way, if she plays this right she could definitely end up winning which would be a big smack in the face for Pauline. I really really don't want Pauline to go though (even though I think she will) she's such a twat it's hilarious, she's so entertaining!

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Electric Venus

so happy with how last night turned out! i can't stand pauline, have u heard what she said about giving kylie a career boost and being related to rihanna? she needs help :dies:

jale and kimberly :legend:

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I'm kinda happy Tamara is out even though she seemed really sweet once she was out + the Winston romance would have been fun.


I hate Pauline, and Helen is a bit of a dickhead. Surprisingly I'm really warming up to Danielle, I feel reel really sorry for her :nooo:

Jale :legend:


THIS THREAD :legend::hug: 

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Completely in love with this series, amazing-looking house, amazing challenges (who can forget Jale doing the 'Most Sexy' challenge a few days ago?) and a bunch of housemates who might not all be entirely real, but definitely provide great drama. Utterly 100% addicted to this show now.


Oh, and I'm #TeamJale all the way.

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i'm actually really starting to warm to danielle now :)

Hmm I still find her a bit annoying but she might redeem herself this week, who knows...

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