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RQ: Alejandro MV version I made years ago

Number Five

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Number Five



So when the Alejandro music video came out, I made my own version of Alejandro that sounded like the music video. I also added the "yeah hah" part of the paparazzi song in my alejandro mix right after she says "at this point i've gotta choose, nothing to lose". I was looking for it today on my computer and I don't have it anymore for some reason. D: I was wondering if anyone by chance had downloaded it? It's 6 minutes and some odd seconds long. My old username used to be adamnnation and that was the name i went by when i made it. If anyone could help me out, that would be great. Thank you. I'm hoping that Cheka has it by chance since she collects everything! 


I will love you forever if you happen to have it! 


EDIT: I found it! I forgot I had it uploaded to my old media fire account! Can a mod please close/delete this thread? Thank you!

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I'm totally just curious if I'd have had it--what's the track length and file size??

I must have every Alejandro edit posted on here since it leaked..

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