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Petition decries Gaga's SXSW performance for 'glamorizing bulimia'


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If all these people really thought it was glamorizing bulimia they wouldn't be spreading it around and giving it all this attention. :awkney: they are just defending Demi. The Lovatics even trended #LovaticsWantLadyGagaDead world wide... Like, Gaga never means to do anything but make people happy and entertain you. And when she does one thing wrong some sick sadistic people decided that it would be ok to threaten murder on her and harass her. So much logic there....

Lovatics are a mess

at least, the ones I know for real :awkney:

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The amount of ignorance required to make this is absolutely staggering. To be so committed to the cause of raising awareness about "Gaga glamorizing bulimia" and not have bothered to look into Gaga and Millie's intent in the performance is absolute nonsense. Can't believe these people are wasting their time doing this when they could go out and do something good or valuable with their voice/time.


Here's to hoping this doesn't gain any traction. 

And, not to be insensitive, but people who b---h about "trigger warnings":


LIFE DOESN'T HAVE TRIGGER WARNINGS. LIFE IS UNEXPECTED. The world isn't going to cater to your "trigger" list.



Not that I don't sympathize with those who are trying to avoid triggers for any addictions, but you are 100% correct! No matter what you do, you can't have a life without triggers. You have to learn how to deal with them. How many of these people complaining about "trigger warnings" were in the audience at SXSW? Did someone force these people to watch the video? If it is a trigger, and you can avoid it- DO IT! Otherwise, you need to learn that life is full of people who don't have the same addiction that you have. What bothers you, doesn't bother everyone else. Everyone in the world isn't going to quit drinking, because some people are alcoholics.

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Nathan James

This underlines two things. 


The vast amount of people who have absolutely no understanding or concept of performance art.

And the seemingly endless amount of people who equally don't really have any real comprehension of eating disorders.



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Pressed ignorants looking for a target. They need to sit down, and genuinely focus on their cause.

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I don't get it...what is the petition..petitioning?

I think for Millie and Gaga to not perform again together :toofloppy:

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Why does it glamourise bulimia ? And not... Hangovers? Acid reflux?

Just saying!!

So Millie and Gaga "glamorized" bulimia, merely by depicting an unflattering symptom of the disease in an artistic context? So by that logic, Rent glamorized AIDS, and Terms of Endearment glamorized cancer, and Away from Her glamorized Alzheimer's. QUICK. Start the petitions!!!
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Just remember, some Little Monsters are willing to align with Islamic fundamentalists to go after Dark Horse.

Gaga haters will find any trumped up irrational excuse too.

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Mama Ru

First of all, I don't understand how people automatically equate intentional vomiting with bulimia. It's like saying that someone fasting is promoting anorexia.

Second of all, how can anyone think that what Gaga was doing was glamorizing ANYTHING? The whole performance was intentionally as un-glamorous as possible.

I don't like to make fun of people's concerns about eating disorders since it is a serious issue but c'mon...


Im blonde, I'm skinny, I'm rich, and I'm a little bit of a bitch.
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Just remember, some Little Monsters are willing to align with Islamic fundamentalists to go after Dark Horse.

Gaga haters will find any trumped up irrational excuse too.

yep! no one should be surprised.
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I'm amazed that the petition admits Gaga had an eating disorder and accuses her of trivializing disorders - in the same sentence. It's unfathomable.

couldn't have said it better myself.

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