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Millie Brown Responds to Demi's Accusation

Smooth Criminal

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Smooth Criminal
The girl who puked all over Lady Gaga's chest during SXSW this week says Demi Lovato needs to calm down ... because their performance wasn't meant to glamorize squat.

Performance artist Millie Brown tells TMZ ... she and Gaga did not intend to offend anyone struggling with bulimia -- they were attempting to challenge the concept of beauty.

Millie says, "there's a clear difference between using my body to create something beautiful, to express myself and feel powerful, rather than using it to punish myself and conform to society's standards."

As we previously reported ... Demi blasted the performance yesterday saying it promoted bulimia.

But Millie says that's like accusing someone of glamorizing anorexia -- for going on a hunger strike.
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Jewels n Drugs

Tell her millie

oh look when you werent looking my motorcycle turned into a piano
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Poor Demi just doesn't understand that the world doesn't revolve around her problems :(

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Brooke Candy

Drag ha queen Millie

buy 'Paper or Plastic' by Brooke candy on iTunes NOW!!
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The last line, about the Anorexia/hunger strike actually kinda proves their point really well. Although throwing up =/= bulimia, I can see why some people may be offended.

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Addy Ezzie

:applause: Millie's right.

I love Demi but Gaga and Millie were not glamorizing eating disorders, at all. I don't think Gaga would mess with something like that. She's the kind of person who encourages self-respect and love, so why the hell would she promote bulimia ?

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I would have more respect for Demi's accusations if she didn't use her past problems of addiction, eating disorder, self harm etc for attention all the time. That's more glamorising than what Millie and Gaga did, in my eyes.


Clever and classy response from Millie though, nice.

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