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Mary Jane Holland, Fashion, Aura filters


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Listen closely to her vocals in MJH at the beginning!!!1

She's singing "Love, you, better, sin" soooo slooow, never heard it in the song :excited2:

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What kind of genius trickster is this lady?
It sounds like Miley when she saws "I THINK WEEEED" :toofunny:

She adds so many layers? Does she do anything else lol

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Listen closely to her vocals in MJH at the beginning!!!1

She's singing "Love, you, better, sin" soooo slooow, never heard it in the song :excited2:

inb4 Illuminati subminal message  :toofunny:

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Don't say that y'all didn't hear the "I think we-e-e-d" before. :toounny3:

The rest is pretty impressive and new to me.

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