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MTV Denied Gaga the Right to Perform Her Idea [VMAs]


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Miley hasn't cemented anything.. she'll be forgotten after this album lol. I hope MTV is happy with their decision though :rofl:

People said that after Hannah Montana was cancelled too though. She has a good voice, if she every switches to country she will do really well. 

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Maybe they were trying to save her from wasting all that time and energy when they knew what miley was going to do....I'm sure the performance would have been epic, but really she did herself more favors showing her ass during the performance for the gp

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I loved the performance we got, but I think this one would have been 100% more better and ICONIC. And tbh that torture performance art is disturbing af. I can see why MTV denied the idea seeing as majority of their demographic is mainly teens. But I think they could have comprised with gaga to make slight changes with not including the torture part. I can see how mtv was sorta corrupt and wanted to hype miley more because right after the vmas mtv released a documentary about her and the climax of it was her "accidental" controversial performance during the vmas. So I can see how it can be perceived that they toned down the other artists performances for Miley's.

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I think Miley's performance was more of a social commentary. 

Miley does not owe all her fame to just that. Be realistic. She's been a star for years. That was her version of the Paparazzi performance- cemented her in place. I didn't really care for it, but it made history.


Gaga's simple performance was nice, I think it was helpful for Applause's longevity. 

Yeah, this is also very true. They have a budget, time frame, etc. If Gaga really wanted it, she could have offered to pay for quite a lot of it herself.

Especially an artist who was fairly gone from the pubic eye and was recovering from hip surgery. It was a big risk for MTV.

I hate the title of this thread. Her RIGHT to perform? lol They invited her. It was not her right. 


a commentary  :rofl:  my fart is also a commentary. this was just trash to become famous. there was no talent and nothing artistic about this performance  :rofl:  sorry, nothing against miley, but it was bad.

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I'm actually relieved it happened, this performance would be the end :wtf:

If you see me posting like crazy, I'm either bored or procrastinating.
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So much could have happened had MTV green-lit this performance. It could have boosted Applause higher on the charts, possibly to number one. That also could have boosted album sales. 


At the same time, it could have scared the general public away and things could have gone worse.


Either way, I think things will be lightening up in the future.

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a commentary  :rofl:  my fart is also a commentary. this was just trash to become famous. there was no talent and nothing artistic about this performance  :rofl:  sorry, nothing against miley, but it was bad


Gaga has done the same trashy **** when she was Miley's age tbh. 


She can actually sing fairly well, which I only recently found out. 

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I think Miley's performance was more of a social commentary. 

Miley does not owe all her fame to just that. Be realistic. She's been a star for years. That was her version of the Paparazzi performance- cemented her in place. I didn't really care for it, but it made history.


Gaga's simple performance was nice, I think it was helpful for Applause's longevity. 

Yeah, this is also very true. They have a budget, time frame, etc. If Gaga really wanted it, she could have offered to pay for quite a lot of it herself.

Especially an artist who was fairly gone from the pubic eye and was recovering from hip surgery. It was a big risk for MTV.

I hate the title of this thread. Her RIGHT to perform? lol They invited her. It was not her right. 



I don't think it so much cemented her into the pop scene as much as it turned heads. It was controversial... it turned heads... it got people talking. It's not like what she did was monumental; we've seen this before. Using s-xuality for attention has been used for years, it's absolutely nothing new, but it worked for her because she was previously a Disney star. It made history for her, but that's it. 


I don't understand how it was a 'social commentary.' It was just her twerking on Robin Thicke and using a foam finger as a dick. How is that at all a commentary on society? You have to distort the performance a loooooottttt to see it as a social commentary. Really anything can have meaning added to it. 

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I think Miley's performance was more of a social commentary.

Miley does not owe all her fame to just that. Be realistic. She's been a star for years. That was her version of the Paparazzi performance- cemented her in place. I didn't really care for it, but it made history.

Gaga's simple performance was nice, I think it was helpful for Applause's longevity.

Your original post insinuates that she would've owned the night either way because she was already some super huge megastar, which is wrong. She only became a huge star after that performance. Now suddenly it's like "oh noez! Wuts Miley gunna do next!!1!"

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Allison M

I'm actually relieved it happened, this performance would be the end :wtf:

i agree that it seems gory and will put people off and i would have been like, "THE ****.", but i'm just upset that Gaga had to compromise so much of her original vision. It is her name tagged to this performance too and she did not get to do what she wanted.

I mean, the worst and most hurtful thing you can do to an artist is take away their vision and ideas of how they want to present their art and that's exactly what they did to her. 

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