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ARTPOP Discussion & Info Database 1-4-2012 thru 7-11-2013


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Long threads are the main cause for slowing the server so that's why we're doing it.

I meant like actually preventing the discussion of irrelevant information.

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Pert 11 :hor:

I meant like actually preventing the discussion of irrelevant information.

I still can't at people reporting stuff from tumblr :smh:
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I'm so tired of these "OMG *insert number* part already?!?!?!1?!1" posts. We go over this EVERY time we start a new part. :fail:

Getting dat first page post. :hor:

It fel gUd don't it gOrl? :nacho:

Edited by Sycothisis
- Previously Sycothisis
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OMG!!1 i met gaga outside of her hotel in (whichever country shes in rite now) and i asked her about the NEW SINGLE!!ljfweoifj

she said next month ahhh!!! im freakinouttt.

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We should have a purely speculation thread so this is less cluttered

What happens when some of the speculation becomes truth? Then we'd have to keep transferring info from the "speculation" thread into the "concrete" thread and constantly compile the "concrete" thread.

Speculation can be annoying but at the same time highly amusing, especially some of the outlandish and reaching theories.

"My people… need to let our bitchiness out. Otherwise, it turns to bile and poisons us"
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:toofloppy: 11? And no album until 2013

Edited by born2beaunicorn
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We're going to get to at least part 25 before the album drops. We still have half the year.

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We're going to get to at least part 25 before the album drops. We still have half the year.

Baha but hopefully there will be new music at some point >__<

And more legitimate release dates and/or hints.

Edited by Xavier
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Ugh... A part with double 1... Which means that we're double losers with no real news :derpga:

Just kidding. But seriously, she could tweet something important instead of "Oh hai Tara gorl, remember dat coffe i had 2day lol? :derpga:"

Edited by Roojole
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We should have a purely speculation thread so this is less cluttered

That's a good idea. Can we do this?

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Listening to BTW (album in its entirety) and it still gets me pumped. I can wait for new music. I KNOW I CAN!!!!

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