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Gaga wishes Monsters a Merry Christmas!


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I think she tweeted the link for DWUW video but it didn't go through :fan:

But how lovely, this tweet brightened up my day :wub:

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YES GAGA release the Venus video instead of the DWUW video! 


Jk Gaga I missed you don't you disappear on me like that again. :nooo:



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on December 27th .... 1 day AFTER christmas  :derpga:  and i bet she was on GGD again and saw all the complains about the tweet  :teehee:

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I haven't been on much at all in the last few days, but who the heck was upset that she didn't tweet about Christmas? Did that seriously become an issue? LOL

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Why the hell did I tear up while reading this ? I must be too emotional :toofloppy:

Oh, and I'm sooo here for Venus as a single !

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