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Gaga posts STUNNING pic of herself on LM


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She's stunning, and that beautiful lines she wrote reminded me of Princess Die. :flutter: It's been a rough year, but we'll always be with you and support you, Queen. 

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IDK, but one thing for sure, she look fab!


The first time I sees it, I was like, "What kind of classic timeless beauty!!"


And my knees goes weak, and get stupid:


"Gaga Gaga halp! :cryga: Paws UP!"




This true. She is so pretty in here, cannot contain it! :sara:

OMG that gif is so ****ing cute. :cryga:

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im pretty sure it means she's completely got over her d--g addiction

because when she's mary jane holland and high all the time, she's brunette right?

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Don't forget she IS her hair...

This message beholds a deeper meaning...

She's up to something...


"and to complete my transformation from within"


Does it mean that she is fully back and ready to slay our souls? Or is she ready for a new single?



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